Pounds per square foot conversion

    • [DOC File]Weight Conversion Factors


      CONVERSION OF UNITS To Convert From To Multiply by 1 (MM) 1,000,000 1000000 1(M) 1,000 1000 cubic yards (cu yd) cubic feet (cu ft) 0.1111111 cubic feet (cu ft) cubic yards (cu yd) 9 gallons (gals) barrels (bbls) 0.0238095 acres square feet 43560 square feet acres 2.29568E-05 grains/cubic foot grams/cubic meter 2.28835 grams/cubic meter grains ...

      calculate pounds per square foot



      pounds per cubic foot. pounds per square inch. quarts. slugs. ... Equation : Develop an equation (using appropriate formulas and conversion factors) such that the units of the left side (the side containing the known values) are equivalent to the units of the right side (the side containing the unknown). ... kilopascals , bars, millibars ...

      calculate pounds per square feet

    • [DOC File]Section 13 34 19 - Metal Building Systems


      MASS FLOOR. Floors weighing at least (1) 35 pounds per square foot (170 kg/m2) of floor surface area or (2) 25 pounds per square foot (120 kg/m2) of floor surface area if the material weight is not more than 120 pounds per cubic foot (1900 kg/m3). See “Floor”. MASS WALL.

      lbs to square foot

    • [DOC File]Introduction to Aeronautics Lessons


      The following conversion factors have been used in the Comgas Consulting Training Program formulas, spreadsheets and calculations. ... 70.73 pounds per square ft. inches of mercury. 0.4912 pounds per square in. inches of water. 0.002458 atmospheres. ... foot-pounds per min. kilowatts. 737.6 foot-pounds per sec. kilowatts. 1.341 horsepower ...

      pounds to square feet



      Conversion Factors: 1 acre = 43,560 square feet. 1 cubic foot = 7.47 Gallons. 1 foot = 0.305 meters. 1 gallon = 3.79 liters. 1 gallon = 8.34 pounds. 1 grain per gallon = 17.1mg/L 1 mg/l = 1 ppm 1 horsepower = 0.746 kilowatts. 1 million gallons per day = 694 gallons per minute. 1 pound = 0.454 kilograms. 1 pound per square inch = 2.31 feet of water

      pounds to square foot conversion

    • Converter Pounds per square foot to Pounds per square inch

      Example: Find the weight per square foot of 0.125 sheet in alloy 6061. The weight per square foot listed for this thickness on page 7-23 is 1.80 pounds. Multiplying this weight by the factor 0.98 given above for alloy 6061 gives 1.76 pounds per square foot.

      calculate lbs per sq ft



      Often times in the study of aeronautics conversion table or conversion factors are used to convert a reading taken from the instrumentation into another unit. This is required to keep all units the same in the equation. For example a reading in Inches H20 must be converted to pounds per square foot (PSF). (pounds is abbreviated lbs)

      calculate lbs per square foot

    • [DOC File]Conversion Factors Used in the Natural Gas Industry


      Collateral load in pounds per square foot shall be applied to the entire structure to account for the weight of additional permanent materials other than the building system, such as sprinklers, mechanical systems, electrical systems, hung partitions, and ceilings.

      square feet to pounds conversion

    • [DOC File]ABC Formulas & Conversions


      METRIC (SI*) CONVERSION FACTORS APPROXIMATE CONVERSIONS TO SI UNITS APPROXIMATE CONVERSIONS FROM SI UNITS Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol LENGTH LENGTH in inches 25.4 mm mm millimeters 0.039 inches in ft feet 0.3048 m m meters 3.28 feet ft yd yards 0.914 m m meters 1.09 …

      calculate pounds per square foot

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