Psa levels by age chart

    • Normal PSA Level Age Chart - HTQ

      The median PSA for this age range is 0.6 to 0.7 ng/ml. For men in their 60s: A PSA score greater than 4.0 ng/ml is considered abnormal. The normal range is between 1.0 and 1.5 ng/ml. An abnormal rise: A PSA score may also be considered abnormal if it rises a …

      psa level for 75 year or older

    • [DOCX File]Tumour Marker Summary Chart

      Results under 4 ng/ml were considered normal in the past. Values between 4 and 10 were considered borderline. However, as a "normal" value for PSA is affected by age and race; most doctors now use age-and race-adjusted cutoffs, as is shown in the chart below: Age and race-adjusted cut-off values for PSA Age. Caucasians. Blacks. Asians

      normal psa for age 75

    • [DOC File]PSA is a substance made in the prostate and is normally ...

      As indicated in the chart below, five counties have one third age 60+ older adults. According to the CA Department of Finance E-2 County Population statistics for 2015, PSA 12 is home to 155,529 people. Older adults, age 60+ represent, on average, over 37% of the total population of the five counties.

      what is a dangerous psa level

    • Prostate Cancer: Age-Specific Screening Guidelines | Johns ...

      When total PSA is in the range of 4.0-10.0 ng/mL, a free:total PSA ratio ≤ 0.10 indicates 49% to 65% risk of prostate cancer depending on age; a free:total PSA ratio > 0.25 indicates a 9% to 16% risk of prostate cancer, depending on age.

      psa levels by age and ethnicity

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