Questions to ask college representative

    • [DOCX File]The Fine Print - Ms. Cecy De La O

      Twenty Questions to Ask a College Admissions Representative. How do I arrange a campus visit and tour? Do you have special visitation days? Is an individual interview required in the application process? What are the application deadlines for admission and financial aid?

    • [DOC File]Questions to ask college representatives on a campus visit ...

      Title: QUESTIONS TO ASK COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES Created Date: 8/22/2007 2:55:00 PM Company: Oneonta City Schools Other titles: QUESTIONS TO ASK COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES

    • [DOC File]

      Sample Invitation #1 for Recruiting Outside Career Representatives (Longer, more formal) Hi _____, I am writing to ask you to represent the (name of) industry at the AIM High Career Fair on February 15h, 2011.. AIM High is a business-to-student mentoring program in which I participate.


      Ask questions! (See below for a sample list of questions.) Get the contact information of the representative at the fair if you are very interested in attending their school. Follow up with them after the fair with an email. Speak up. College fairs can be loud and you want the representative to be able to hear you. College Fair Questions

    • [DOCX File]20 Questions to ask college representatives

      QUESTIONS TO ASK THE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE. Remember, this is your time to get as much information as possible! What are the admissions requirements for freshmen? (SAT/SAT II/ACT, minimum high school courses required, grade point …

    • [DOCX File]

      Ask your TCCTA Representatives: Jane England, Corinth Campus Representative, TCCTA State Executive Committee Secretary, COR322, Corinth. 940-498-6244. Pat Ledbetter, Gainesville & Bowie Campus Representative. MSS 820, Gainesville. 940-668-4235

    • [DOCX File]College Fair Questions -

      Comprehension questions:10 mins. ... After reviewing Award Letter #1, what TWO questions would you ask the financial aid representative to fill in information that you don't currently have? ... Assume that the college in Award Letter #1 has a Cost of Attendance of $70,000.

    • Questions to Ask a College Representative

      20 Questions to ask college representatives. Whether you meet them at a college fair or on a campus visit, college reps genuinely enjoy talking to high school students and answering questions about their college. The following questions will help start a good dialogue:


      Questions to ask college representatives. Whether on a campus visit, college fair, or during a lunch visit here at West Forsyth, meeting with a college representative face-to-face provides you with the opportunity to establish a contact at that school and gather information you may not find on a website.

    • [DOC File]Sample Invitation for Outside Career Representative

      Assessing your list of colleges. As you develop a list of colleges that interest you, be sure you can answer these questions about them. The basics. Where is the college? Can you locate it on a map? ... (Ask a college representative, students, graduates and teachers.) What courses are required for graduation?

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