Real ufo spaceship photos

    • [DOC File]

      Sketches of four different phases of the UFO in flight Upper Trinidad by Prof. Freitas Guimaraes, by courtesy in the "Morgenpost" (Rio, 21 February 1958) and in the Abendblatt "(Sao Paulo, February 21, 1958,1. Issue) appeared. Fig. 8. comparative study with three flying saucers: A = Hahe Upper Boa Vista, B = Trinidad UFO. C =Discus by Sao ...

      real alien spaceship pictures

    • [DOC File]

      The UFO Again? Is our place anomalous? This question is asked more often to our newspaper. And we can suppose it is connected with aliens visiting us for the third time this year. The witnesses say it was a big burning sphere flying over the park. Is it the UFO again? …

      real ufo alien pictures

    • [DOC File]Official NICAP Web Site

      UFOs can sometimes appear and disappear as if by magic, but if you can hit it with a rock or shoot it with a gun and it clanks, its something real. If you can pick it up on radar, chase it with a jet interceptor, get gun camera photos of it; it’s not an apparition. These things land, leave indentations in the ground, and break off tree limbs.

      latest nasa photos of ufo

    • [DOC File]Gravity_04.doc - StealthSkater

      The International UFO Reporter. J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, 2457 West Peterson Ave., Chicago, Ill., 60659. A well-written and researched (but far too infrequent) source of reliable information about UFOs and the controversy that surrounds them. A sister publication of the more formal and peer-reviewed Journal for UFO Studies. Websites

      photos of ufo


      She watched the UFO for about 5 minutes when a hatch opened and a figure came out. It looked like a human but shorter and had a strange looking face but still human-like. The witness then stood up and raised her right hand to greet him and smiled. The alien noticed her and got a real worried look and yelled something back into the UFO.

      nasa photos of alien spacecraft

    • [DOC File]UFO-CONTACT FROM PLANET IARGA - exopoliticshongkong

      UFO-CONTACT FROM PLANET IARGA POWERPOINT ON THE CASE (and here norwegian ppoint) ... which would then necessitate rescue by a real spaceship. My request to be allowed to see one of their spaceships was politely refused; perhaps at the end of our conversation. They felt that we had much more important things to discuss than technique.

      true ufo pics

    • [DOC File]Physical ufo-contact in the early 60ths after initial ...

      next part of The physical ufo-contact in the early 60ths of Robert P. Renaud, UFO CONTACT FROM KORENDOR: Part 3-summary of the UFOcontacts of Bob Renaud from the 60-ths Still in the year 1964 and late winter: Contact on radio 21feb to Orii-Val. And now he …

      nasa ufo photos

    • [DOC File]Tesla_11.doc - StealthSkater

      How to Build a UFO-like AntiGravity Spaceship Maybe the title’s “antigravity spaceship” aim is too high (it’s a long way ’till there). But Tesla, followed by other scientists along the last century, discovered the principle of propulsion using strong electromagnetic fields.

      ufo pictures that are real

    • [DOC File]Roswell debris - Homestead

      FUFOR: "The Roswell Events", ed. Fred Whiting, sponsored by Fund for UFO Research, 1991; quoted in the 1994 Air Force Report on Roswell. USAF: United States Air Force Report on Roswell, Sept. 1994., Sept. 1995. SR#2 & SR#6: Leonard Stringfield's UFO Crash/Retrievals Status Report II, 1980, VI, 1991. SKEP: July/August 1995 "Skeptical Inquirer"

      real alien spaceship pictures

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