Release of employee medical information to his or her attorney

    • Can an employee access my medical and exposure records for free?

      An employer must permit employees and, in certain circumstances their designated representatives, to access exposure and medical records relevant to the employee, free of charge, within a reasonable period of time. As an employee, you and your designated representatives may access your medical and exposure records in one of three ways:

    • What is included in an employee medical record?

      Employee medical records include the following: ■ Medical and employment questionnaires or histories. ■ Results of medical examinations and laboratory tests. ■ Medical opinions, diagnoses, progress notes, and recommendations. ■ First-aid records. ■ Descriptions of treatments and prescriptions. ■ Employee medical complaints.

    • What if my health insurance claims are confidential?

      Records concerning health insurance claims if they are (1) maintained separately from your medical program and its records, and (2) not accessible by employee name or other personal identifier (e.g., social security number or home address). §12112(d)(3)(B)-(C) generally requires employers to keep employee medical information confidential.

    • [PDF File]Access to Medical and Exposure Records

      Employee medical records include the following: Medical and employment questionnaires or histories. Results of medical examinations and laboratory tests. Medical opinions, diagnoses, progress notes, and recommendations. First-aid records. Descriptions of treatments and prescriptions. Employee medical complaints.

    • ADA Job Accommodation Request and Medical Inquiry Form

      Date: To: Medical Provider Name: Medical Provider Address: RE: Employee Name: Date of Birth: The above employee has requested a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), as amended, to enable the employee to perform the essential functions of his/her position.

    • [PDF File]Confidentiality of Medical Information in Workplace - ACOEM

      The laws governing the confidentiality of employee medical information are complex and vary depending on the relationship between parties and by jurisdiction.1 Difficult ethical problems arise when the physician must attempt to balance the importance of the employee’s ne...

    • [PDF File]Verbal Release of Protected Health Information (PHI) I ...

      Requests made in writing for release of PHI will be referred to Health Information Management. If the requester's identity must be verified, the following methods are suggested: Requester should give his/her address and phone number, and a photo ID/number.

    • [PDF File]Standard Authorization Form to Release Protected Health ...

      The information in Section I applies to the person whose PHI is being disclosed. The person could be the policy holder, his or her spouse, a dependent or any other person covered under the policy or a person who has their own coverage. In this example, Jane Doe is the person making the request.

    • [PDF File]Confidentiality and Release of Protected Health Information

      The inmate’s written valid authorization must be obtained prior to releasing PHI to the family member. Health Services staff may request the facility medical staff to obtain an inmate’s written authorization for release of PHI when necessary. Members of the Texas Legislature and their employees or designated agents.

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