Revise my essay

    • [DOC File]Moon’s Day, January 9: Revising Your Essay

      Next, revise your essay. Make improvements to Cogency and Content according to the suggestions I have made in the margins, and fix Format and Convention errors. Next, email your revised essay just as you did original. This needs to be a clean document without my …

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    • [DOC File]Writing 1 : Revision Exercises

      Some students, for example, dash off an entire and effective essay with minimal editing. Writing reports is more difficult than writing essays. On the other hand, some people make very good use of the practical strategy of developing a workable plan, executing that plan, and then minimally editing what they have written. My …

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      I imagine the reaction that my readers might have to my paper. When I begin to write, I have only a vague idea of how my essay will come out. I often use analogy and metaphor in my writing. I complete each sentence and revise it before going on to the next. I cue the reader by giving a hint of what’s to come. My …

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    • [DOC File]Literary Analysis Self-Editing Checklist

      Does your essay sound like it’s done? Other . Do you talk about the story in . present tense? Is the essay in third person? (No I, me, my, mine) Are you focused on your thesis, not on giving a …

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    • [DOC File]Moon’s Day, January 9: Revising Your Essay

      Doing this makes the essay eligible for revision (earning a brand new grade); also, these are worth a daily grade. Next, revise your essay. Make improvements to Cogency and Content …

      revise your essay

    • [DOC File]Argumentative Essay Peer Editing Worksheet and Instructions

      Check the student’s paper for a unique title. “Argumentative Essay” and “College Essay” are not unique titles. Make a note on the paper if the student needs to revise the title. [Bracket] the …

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