Right leg numb

    • [DOCX File]A4.3.3.GoFlow


      Right / Left Handed. Please describe the problem that brings you to us (including dates, other doctors seen, tests done and treatments tried): Do you suffer from: Weakness Numbness / Tingling. Back Pain Leg Pain. Neck Pain Arm / Hand Pain. Headaches Facial Pain. Numb / Burning Feet Memory Loss

      leg numbness from knee down

    • [DOC File]University of Virginia


      Blood would not be able to flow as it did before because it previously passed through the right femoral artery. This would restrict leg movements, make the leg tired faster or become numb during movement due to the lack to oxygen. The leg muscles will not be able to make ATP as efficiently.

      left leg numbness and tingling

    • Sciatica: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

      Right leg : Left leg : Other: ⎕Dull-achy ⎕Sharp ⎕Burning ⎕Stabbing ⎕Numb ⎕Deep ache ⎕Pins and needles ⎕Dull-achy ⎕Sharp ⎕Burning ⎕Stabbing ⎕Numb ⎕Deep ache ⎕Pins and needles ⎕Dull-achy ⎕Sharp ⎕Burning ⎕Stabbing ⎕Numb ⎕Deep ache ⎕Pins and needles ...

      pain and numbness in leg

    • [DOCX File]www.spine-medicine.com


      “kind of numb” – but you can feel it when he/she touches your other leg and foot just fine. See the “L5” and “S1” patterns shown below – that’s where you are numb. If the examiner asks you to point your right big toe upwards (towards your nose), you will be unable to do this.

      numbness in leg below knee

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