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    • [PDF File]PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2010 CATALOG - Auto Parts & …

      PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2010 CATALOG PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2010 CATALOG. DISTRIBUTOR GUIDEDISTRIBUTOR GUIDE DISTRIBUTORS Mallory has been the leading manufacturer of automotive and marine distributors for nearly 85 years. No other company can cover the wide range of applications, PERIOD! The following chart is to aid in selecting the right distributor for a …

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    • [PDF File]AutoLine Distributor Warranty Policy - RockAuto

      AutoLine Distributor Warranty Policy 1. Autoline distributors have a 1 year warranty from the date of purchase on Domestic applications. Commercial applications are 90 day from the date of installation. 2. The distributor must not be modified in anyway 3. The distributor must fit the correct application 4. The distributor must not have worn or ...

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      SPECIFY A "ROCK VALLEY" GAS TANK FOR THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES: • All tanks are baffled • Spill-proof caps available with some tanks • Ball check vent furnished with tanks requiring non vented caps • All tanks are pressure tested • All tanks are set up for Stewart Warner, Sun, V.D.O., Auto Meter, and Classic sending units

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    • [PDF File]Stewart Warner

      Instrument Families 3 DeluxeTM Instruments Heavy DutyTM & Heavy Duty PlusTM Instruments Perhaps the most popular Stewart Warner gauge line ever, DeluxeTM established the industry standard more than 40 years ago. Easy-to-read graphics on a black face with

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    • [PDF File]The Most Authentic and Accurate Parts For Your Restoration

      Before purchasing any reproduction parts for your valuable project, make sure the manufacturer is licensed by GM Restoration Parts. With mint condition on your mind, licensed GM Restoration Parts are the only parts that should go into your barn-find beauty. …

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      STAINLESS BUMPERS FOR CHEVROLET Part No. Year 470-1020-SS 1931-32 Passenger and Pickup, front 470-1022-SS 1931-32 Bumperette Style–2 pc set, rear

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    • [PDF File]What size is my Fuel Tank?

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    • [PDF File]AutoLine Carburetor Warranty & Core Policy

      AutoLine Carburetor Warranty Policy 1. Autoline carburetors have a 90 day warranty from the date of purchase 2. The carburetor must not be modified in anyway

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