Rounding to three significant figures

    • Tutorial on the Use of Significant Figures

      UNIT 1 NOTES: Scientific Notation, Significant Figures & Rounding, Metric Units (Chapter 3 in your Chemistry Text) Scientific Notation. When scientists talk about very large or very small numbers, it gets difficult to name the number (e.g. a one followed by 15 zeros is quadrillion or quintillion?) and it’s painstaking to write them down.

      rounding to three significant figures


      If the following figures dropped is precisely half, the preceding digit should be unchanged if it is an even number but increased by 1 if it is an odd number. For example: 24.5627 rounded to four significant figures becomes 24.56. 34.2523 rounded to three significant figures becomes 34.3. 3.485 rounded to three significant figures becomes 3.48

      rounding significant figures rules

    • [DOC File]Significant Digits

      12 has two significant figures and 3.00 has three, so the answer should only have two. For example, 3.20 x 5.04 = 16.128 ( 16.1. The starting values only have three significant figures each, so round the answer to three significant figures, 16.1.

      rounding to 2 significant digits

    • [DOC File]LAB 1a: Review for Calculations

      When handling significant figures in calculations, two rules are applied: Multiplication and division -- round the final result to the least number of significant figures of any one term, for example: The answer, 36.8, is rounded to three significant figures, because least number of significant figures was found in the term, 4.87.

      round to 2 significant figures calculator

    • [DOC File]Rules for Using Significant Figures in Mathematical Operations

      3.0 (2 significant figures ) × 12.60 (4 significant figures) = 37.8000. which should be rounded off to 38 (2 significant figures). Rules for rounding off numbers (1) If the digit to be dropped is greater than 5, the last retained digit is increased by one. For example, 12.6 is rounded to 13.

      three significant figures

    • [DOC File]Significant Figures and Rounding Measurements Name

      If this digits is greater than 5, or is 5 followed by nonzeros, add 1 to the last digit to be retained and drop all digits farther to the right. Thus, rounding 1.2151 to three significant figures gives 1.22. If this digit is less than 5, simply drop it and all digits farther to the right. Rounding 1.2143 to three significant figures …

      nearest 1 significant figure

    • [DOC File]Reading for Meaning- Significant Figures

      has three significant digits, thus . 0.0123. must also have three significant digits. 7. Any zeros to the right of a number and the right of a decimal point are significant. The value . 0.012300. and . 25.000. both contain five significant digits. The reason for this is that significant figures indicate to . what place a measurement is made.

      significant figures calculator

    • Significant Figures Calculator - Sig Fig

      Significant Figures and Rounding Measurements Name _____ 1. Round off each of the following numbers to three significant figures. a. 15.9994 b. 1.0080. c. 0.6654 d. 4885. e. 87,550 f. 0.027225. 2. Put the following numbers into scientific notation and write down the number of. significant …

      rounding numbers to significant figures


      Example: 0.304 cm x 73.84168 cm. The calculator displays 22.447871. A more reasonable answer is 22.4 cm. This product has only three significant figures because one of the factors (0.304 cm) has only three significant figures, therefore the product can have only three. Another example: 0.1700 g …

      rounding to three significant figures

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