Run walk speed calculator

    • Activity overview:

      When the students walk toward the CBR 2, they should try to moderate their speed so as not to run out of room before the CBR 2 stops sampling. 4. This activity consists of four different trials in which several factors are varied in the motion plots. Organize the data in the table on your worksheet. Trial 1. a. Stand at the 0.5 mark in front of ...

      run walk half marathon calculator

    • [DOC File]Calculate Your Horsepower

      To calculate the horsepower that you develop as you walk, jog, or run up a flight of stairs. This is only an approximate value. Explain why in the conclusion. THEORY: Power equals work divided by time. One horsepower (HP) equals 550 ft•Ibs/sec. P = W/t = Fd /t = F (d /t) = Fv. APPARATUS: Stopwatch, sneakers, meter stick. PROCEDURE:

      calculate walking pace

    • [DOC File]MR. G's Math Page

      Use your calculator on problems 1 - 5, and give decimal answers correct to . three. decimal places. Write your justifications in a sentence. 1. A particle moves along a horizontal line so that its position at any time is given by, where s is measured in meters and t in seconds. (a) Find the instantaneous velocity at any time t and when t = 2.

      how far did i walk

    • Laboratory #4

      Time is stored in List 1 and distance is stored in List 2 of the calculator. Creating Stride Data Left at the Crime Scene. In order to create realistic stride pattern, ask a person with one of the heights provided in the crime scene scenario to start walking for 2 strides and then speed up and run for 3 more strides.

      meters per second calculator

    • [DOCX File]Virginia Department of Education

      Students need to work in groups of two or three. Groups will be instructed to either walk toward or away from the CBR™. The idea is for the “walker” to walk at a steady rate so that the data recorded will stretch across the screen. One calculator and one CBR™ unit should be issued to each group for the initial portion of the activity.

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    • [DOC File]Physics Lab I

      Calculator. Meter stick, Masking tape. Timer. Experimental Procedure: You will develop this in class before you run your trials. Before your team begins, develop a step-by-step plan on a separate sheet of paper. Describe what you will do to gather the required data. Staple the procedure to the lab before going outside. Sample Activities: Walk ...

      calculate walking mph

    • [DOC File]Distance and Displacement Worksheet

      Calculating speed, time, distance Name _____ Equations: Directions: Use the equation above to answer the following questions. Show your work and include the units. A football field is about 100 m long. If it takes a person 20 seconds to run its length, how fast (what speed) were they running?

      half marathon pace calculator

    • [DOC File]Walk - Run Activity

      Sample data for the Slow Walk – Walk method are shown in Figure 4. Plot the points using the appropriate symbols and draw a straight line that approximately fits the data points. (Use Figure 1 and the appropriate scales for the Walk – Run or the Slow Walk – Run method [in brackets] to construct the graph of travel times.

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