Rust monster 3

    • [PDF File]Dungeon Module D2

      5. rust monster (50%)/2 -5 fire beetles (50%) 6. Drow merchants, small train 7. Drow patrol, females 8. 1-2 giant spitting snakes (50%)/2-5 fire beetles (50%) 9. Drow merchants, medium train 10. gas spore (50%)/1 -4 trolls with 9-16 troglodytes 11. 3-12 shadows (50%)/2 -5 fire beetles (50%) ...

    • [PDF File]3.5 Index - Templates

      NturalArmor +3 Str +4 Dex –2 Con +4 Lvl +3 CR +3 Immun e toDi sa& Erth ffec. If In t r W is8+, c anu ehfo lw gb p dy. HD Ability HD 1-2 Magic Stone 11-12 Stoneskin 3-4 Soften Earth/Stone 13-14 Earthquake 5-6 Stone Shape 15-16 Iron Body 7-8 Spik eto n1 E l ma war 9-10 Wall of Stone 19+ Plane Shift Half-Fire Elemental (senti ent If creature who ...

    • [PDF File]CREDITS

      Each monster description is organized in the same general format, as outlined below. For complete information about the character-istics of monsters, consult Chapter 7: Glossary (starting on page 305), the Player’s Handbook,or the Dungeon Master’s Guide. STATISTICS BLOCK This portion of a monster description contains basic game infor-

    • [PDF File]Ruins Encounters

      Rust Monster (GMBook) 1 – 2 Spoilers (FB 72) Swarm Taddarita (FB 73) 1 - 20 Level 5 Number Atdlit (FB 10) 1 – 10 Chonchon (FB 19) 5 – 20 Gryllus (FB 27) 1 Reek, Magical (FB 58) 1 Rust or Seeking Tartarus Cats (GMBook) 3 – 8 Tommoraki (FB 76) 1 Level 6 Dajoji (FB 21) 1 Level 7 Eurynomus (FB 23) 1 Level 8 Plat-eye (FB 54) 1 Shen Ying Lung ...

    • [PDF File]Robin V. Stacey, Darrell King Characters & Al Krombach Stats

      Rust Monster HD 5d8+5 (27 hp) AC 18 Antennae touch +3 (rust) Shadow HD 3d12 (19 hp) AC 13 Incorporeal touch +3 (1d6 Str) Skeleton Warrior HD 1d12 (6 hp) AC 15 Scimitar +1 (1d6+1) or claw +1 melee (1d4+1) Stirge HD 1d10 (5 hp) AC 16 Touch +7 (attach) Stone Golem

    • [PDF File]Monster Brewing Hardware - Monster Mill MM 2/3/PRO ...

      All Monster Mills, especially the 3-roller models require a decent amount of power to turn effectively. If you have the standard 3/8” drive shaft on your mill, then a high quality corded 3/8” drill should do the job. If you opted for the larger ½” drive shaft for future motorization, you’ll need a bigger ½”

    • [PDF File]This index organizes the monsters in the Monster Manual by ...

      Rust monster Sahuagin Satyr Scout Shadow Swarm of insects Thug Tridrone Vine blight Warhorse Warhorse skeleton Worg Challenge 1 (200 XP) Animated armor Brass dragon wyrmling Brown bear Bugbear Copper dragon wyrmling Death dog Dire wolf Dryad Duergar Faerie dragon (young) Fire snake Ghoul Giant eagle Giant hyena Giant octopus Giant spider

    • [PDF File]Monstrous Races

      Introduction: Whether you’re playing an all-monster party or just want to play a monstrous race in an otherwise normal party, this document presents rules for playing every creature in the Monster Manual, new feats and backgrounds for monstrous characters, analysis of officially published races, highly detailed rules for building

    • [PDF File]

      2-3 advantages dark secret : 5-6 & dv]ÄntÄges ©1993 metropolis games . sex place of birth ethnicity monthly income savings education item total weight weapon wt. hair date of birth religion eyes credit value location wt. mag photo/ portrait other friends, name possessions net available/month residence items on person


      it had struck a rust monster), quiver of 11 +1/+2 vs. burrowing creatures short bow arrows, and a human-sized suit of Haldorian +1 splint mail enchanted to improve horsemanship, (grants +2 to any Dexterity check while mounted). On the southern wall, shredded heavy wall hangings are pulled aside revealing elaborate brass


      1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet The Skybryte Company 3125 Perkins Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114-4689 SDS Preparer: Stephen L. Pitcher Date: May 10, 2019 1.4. Emergency telephone number In case of emergency: CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300

    • [PDF File]

      class/ level XP (bonus) trcngth ntcllígcncc ísdom cxtcríty onstítutíon harísma spccíal abílítícs name player (date created) cquípmcnt

    • [PDF File]D&D Monsters by Type - Wizards

      Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 3 Monster CR Tag Succubus 4 shapechanger Ultroloth 13 yugoloth Vrock 6 demon Yochlol 10 demon Giant Monster CR Tag ... Rust monster 1/2 — ...

    • [PDF File]Yehlgettit Basement

      Monster 5 x Rust Monster Rust monster: CR 3; Medium aberration; HD 5d8+5; hp 27; Init +3; Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); AC 18 (+3 dex, +5 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +3; Grp

    • [PDF File]

      3 Owl Bear 4 Rust Monster 5 Huge Snider 6 Sacrificial Priestess * * Will lead the "layers directly to Untaak. MeckWiCk was once a prominent wizard, but politi- cal maneuvering by long standing rivals forced him to withdraw from society. Living in seclusion, Meckwick acquired the fabled BLISSFUL HEXAHEDRON, a rare artifact of unknown

    • [PDF File]Components - Fantasy Flight Games

      3. Incorporate Other Components: Add the tokens, monster figures, and map tiles from this expansion to their respective supplies. The Chains That Rust Expansion Rules The following sections describe the rules associated with each of the new components found in The Chains That Rust. Sludge Any space defined by an orange line

    • [PDF File]HoD PnP

      3 RUST MONSTER REATUR Front: Discard a STR card of your choice. cAzb come GHOST NDEA For every 2 surplus DMG applied to Ghost, take I DMG. dn papunw spit)) :WOu avaaNn ASSASSIN dH ppv WATCHER Rotate visible cards behind Watcher to the higher HP monster. Front (xl) : Take I DMG and move Assassin to 2nd position.

    • [PDF File]DA2 Monster & Treasure PDF Version

      Rust Monster (1) AC 2; HD 5; Hp 24; #AT 2; Dmg 0; SA Touch causes rust; SD None; MV 18”; AL CE; Thaco 15; EXP 185 +4 per hp. MM. 98. Spider, Huge (1) AC 6; HD 2+2; Hp 14; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6; SA Poison at +1 to save; SD None; MV 18”; AL N; Thaco 17; EXP 145+3 per hp. MM. 99. ...

    • [PDF File]The Rogue's Vade-Mecum - FC2

      R rust monster A aquator The Rogue's Vade-Mecum 3 of 20. U umber hulk Mmedusa X xorn U black unicorn G griffin The Griffin has 13 hit dice, armor class 2, and 4d3/3d5 damage. It also regenerates. The Griffin, like the Bat and the Kestrel, can fly twice as fast as you can run.

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