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    • [PDF File]Report from the Accrediting Commission

      DETC Bulletin Number 3, February 9, 2012 Page | 3 • New Charter University moved from Birmingham, AL to 543 Howard Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105 Change of Management The Commission approved the change of management for two institutions: • Ashworth College, Norcross, GA – Rob Klapper new CEO, and Joe Piazza is the new CFO

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    • [PDF File]Remote Exam Proctoring

      • Dr. Leslie Gargiulo, Chief Learning Officer – Ashworth College • Audrey B. Kaplan, Commissioner – Accrediting Council for Independent Schools and Colleges • Avi Katz, President – National Paralegal College • Michael P. Lambert, Executive Director Emeritus – Distance Education Training Council

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      explosion in for-profit college fraud,5 similar problems coincided with the passage of the Post-9/11 ... introduced a Guide for Private Vocational and Home Study Schools, which detailed practices the FTC determined were unfair or deceptive. ... 17 The case followed the FTC’s 2015 action against Ashworth College, which is not eligible to ...

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    • [PDF File]FAQ GUIDE - JMHS

      college prep high school curriculum are self-paced and online. ENROLL IN OUR COLLEGE PREP DIPLOMA TRACK IF YOU… à Are ready to handle in-depth study at an advanced level. à Seek a challenging, rigorous high school education. à Intend to apply to college. Career Pathways Program Curriculum Career Pathways is a General High School Diploma

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    • [PDF File]These different Students' Perspectives on Direct, Peer ...

      Students' Perspectives on Direct, Peer, and Inquiry Teaching Strategies Donetta J. Cothran Indiana University . Pamela Hodges Kulinna . Arizona State University . It was the purpose of this study to examine students' perspectives on three teaching strategies. Seventy middle school students were interviewed, and they rank ordered the strategies.

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      General lawsuits. Certainly, degree programs in other fields pose similar accreditation problems for graduates. For example, on May 26, 2015, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission announced an action against Ashworth College for misleading students about programs that "failed to meet the basic educational requirements set by state

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