Scriptures that prove jesus is god


      The scriptures say, “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God,” Philippians 2:6. Thomas, upon discovering that Jesus indeed was resurrected, said, “My Lord and my God,” John 20:28. In . Matthew 1:23, Jesus is called Emmanuel, meaning “God with us.” Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh and the Word is ...

      jesus is not god scriptures

    • [DOC File]Paul’s Method of Evangelism - Homestead

      The Scriptures record that on several occasions Paul preached that Jesus is the Son of God. To prove his point, he demonstrated that Jes. us is the fulfillment. of the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. A good example of this is found in Acts 13, where Paul preached in the synagogue at Antioch.

      does the bible say jesus is god

    • [DOCX File]

      Acts 3:13–16 (ESV) 13The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified his servant Jesus, whom you delivered over and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to release him. 14But you denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, 15and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead.

      jesus is god bible

    • [DOCX File]The Mountain Retreat – Center for Biblical Theology and ...

      Believing in the deity of Jesus Christ is a fundamental part of being a true Christian, but how can we prove Jesus is God? First of all, that's the Spirit's job, but we can say that if Christ was just a man, or even a spectacularly outstanding man, then we are of all …

      is jesus god jw

    • [DOC File]The Life of Jesus 1 - Bible sermons

      If Satan was going to delay Jesus’ ministry he had to get Jesus to doubt the conviction that He was God’s only Son. Jesus had that conviction from at least the age of 12, but certainly had a confirmation in the voice that came from heaven. Perhaps the temptation was to prove to Himself, or in front of all the people to prove to them who He was.

      difference between god and jesus

    • [DOCX File]Does Elohim Prove - Is The Trinity Biblical

      14) Does Elohim Prove Jesus is God? 15) Is Jesus the Literal Son of God? 16) Is Jesus Divine if He is the Literal Son of God? 17) Did Jesus Have a Beginning if He is the Literal Son of God? 18) Was Jesus Created if He is Not God? 19) How Can Jesus be God Considering the Following? 20) Is Jesus God? 21) Does Romans 9:5 say Jesus is God?

      why is jesus god

    • [DOC File]'GOD'S UNBELIEVABLE LOVE - Sermon Outlines. Org

      Jesus said in Matthew 12:30—“ He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” Every man is an enemy of God, for every man is a sinner and ungodly. The sinner cannot be God's friend because he is against God.

      proof that christ is god

    • [DOCX File]PROVING THE CASE - Will of the Lord

      22 And [God] put all things under [Jesus] feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to . the church, 23 . which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. We learn here the church is "the body" of Christ. Now watch: Ephesians 4:4. 4 . There is one body. and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of . your calling;

      bible verses jesus is god

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