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    • [DOC File]The Land of Foam

      The door opened with a piercing shriek—inside there was a small furnace, an anvil with tools thrown down around it and a heap of charcoal. Two large, light wheels hung from the walls. An evil-looking old man of small stature, but with long arms, ordered one of Pandion's escort to blow up the furnace while he took a metal hoop from a nail in ...

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    • [DOC File]VOICES - gareth glover

      A piercing scream rent the air; it was followed in rapid succession by further blood curdling screams and shouts for help. ... trail, which made the frame much lighter and significantly more manoeuvrable. The foot of the trails had a large iron hoop bolted on to them. When the hoop was attached to a hook on the back of the limbers, the horse ...

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    • [DOC File]Welcome to nginx!

      Sandra Pelt bit her lower lip. She was lean, with clear skin and dark brown hair. She wore little makeup, and her teeth were dazzlingly white and even. Her hoop earrings could provide a perch for a parakeet; they were that big. She had a narrow body and expensive clothes: …

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      Deciding what to wear for her meeting with Clarence Blackwood was a conflict between looking presentable and knowing she had a long bike ride ahead of her. The final choice was a black and white cotton tunic, black leggings and black high-top sneakers, with her favourite silver hoop earrings …

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    • [DOC File]cropub swdream dancer

      Sheehays packs utukehti-tekayesto, the sacred mixture of tobacco, fungi and seeds into the pipe, lighting it with a stick from the fire. Sitting side by side again, they pass the holy pipe back and forth, drawing the smoke into their lungs, blowing it back across the fire. Coop has never felt happier or more self-confident.

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