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    • [DOCX File]General Eligibility for a Permanent Change of Station (PCS ...

      Dog - Showmanship Novice Junior Dog - Showmanship Open Junior Dog - Showmanship Novice Senior Dog - Showmanship Open Senior Requirements: - Dogs may be shown in dog show or pet show, not both! - 4-Hers - 3rd grade+ are eligible for county/state dog show. 4-Hers shall exhibit in the classes equal to the level of training they & dog …

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    • [DOC File]Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook

      Mypyramid contains information on the food pyramid, with areas dedicated to describing the food groups of the pyramid and recommended servings of each group. The site also provides tools to help individuals determine caloric needs based on their age, sex, height, weight…

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    • [DOC File]City of Milwaukee | Home

      Jan 01, 2013 · The HHG shipment weight is limited to 18,000 pounds with an extra 2,000 pound allowance for crating and shipment materials when the items are shipped uncrated or by van line. Employees will be billed for any non-allowable items such as weight …

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    • The Best Dog Food for Weight Loss | Dog Food Advisor

      Vogelweid, C. M. Developing emergency management plans for university laboratory animal programs and facilities. Contemporary Topics on Laboratory Animal Science 37(5):52-56. Resources for Crisis Management …

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