Sensible heat flux calculation

    • [DOC File]GEOS-4 File Specification - NASA

      Latent heat flux at surface W m-2 HFLUX. Sensible heat flux at surface W m-2 LWI. Surface types 0=water, 1=land, 2=ice QV10M. Specific humidity at 10 m above displacement height kg kg-1 QV2M. Specific humidity at 2 m above displacement height kg kg-1 SLP. Sea level pressure Pa T10M. Temperature at 10 m above displacement height K T2M

      sensible heat flux definition

    • [DOCX File]User’s Guide

      is available energy partitioned between sensible heat and latent heat fluxes on land surface. VPD = e. sat – e . is the air vapor pressure deficit. All inputs have been previously defined except for surface resistance . r. s, which is an effective resistance accounting for evaporation from the soil surface and transpiration from the plant canopy.

      units of sensible heat flux

    • [DOC File]3

      In the calculation of surface heat flux combined with LES, FDS uses ad-hoc correlations of both natural and forced convection. This approximation will have a major effect on the prediction of heat flux to the walls and targets which are important parameters to the fire analysis. For more information on this model, visit

      surface sensible heat flux


      H sensible heat flux (W/m2) LE latent energy flux (W/m2) CO2 CO2 flux (mg CO2/m2/s) ** LW_in downwelling longwave from sky (W/m2) sm_5 soil volumetric water content at 5 cm zone (after November 19 1997) sm_20 soil volumetric water content at 20 cm zone (after November 19 1997)

      latent heat flux calculation

    • [DOC File]Improving spatial resolution of integrated ET seasonal for ...

      The Sensible Heat flux (H) is a convection flux through the atmosphere layers, coming from the surface skin boundary layer with the topmost soil/vegetation layer. (W/m2) Equation 4 The energy necessary to vaporize water under given atmospheric conditions is especially ruled by …

      sensible and latent heat fluxes

    • [DOC File]Practical 4: Measuring the wind profile in the surface layer

      , from which surface sensible heat flux H may be estimated. Software: Excel together with (1) the logpro.xls spreadsheet for reading the anemometer data and (2) the met-mast.xls spreadsheet for reading the data from the Penman mast and applying the Penman-Monteith equation to estimate the variables in the surface energy balance (see Atmospheric ...

      how to calculate heat flux

    • [DOC File]Remote Sensing of the Oceans - Stanford University

      2) The equation for sensible heat flux between the ocean and atmosphere is: Sensible heat flux = rho*Cp*Cs*U10(Ts-Ta) Where. rho. is the air density (1.5 kg m-3) Cp. is the specific heat capacity of air (1030 J kg-1 K-1) Cs. is the sensible heat transfer coefficient (1e-3) U10. is the wind speed at 10 above sea level (10 m s-1)

      magnetic flux calculation

    • [DOC File]GEOS-4 File Specification

      Latent heat flux at surface W m-2 HFLUX. Sensible heat flux at surface W m-2 LWI. Surface types 0=water, 1=land, 2=ice QV10M. Specific humidity at 10 m above displacement height kg kg-1 QV2M. Specific humidity at 2 m above displacement height kg kg-1 SLP. Sea level pressure Pa T10M. Temperature at 10 m above displacement height K T2M

      sensible heat flux formula

    • [DOC File]Iowa State University

      2D forecast fields include:Ground temperature (K)PBL height (m)Surface sensible heat flux (W/m2)Surface latent heat flux (W/m2)Frictional velocity (m/s)2 m temperature (K)10 m u component of wind (m/sec)10 m v component of wind (m/sec)Monin-Obukov length (m) Figure 4 [5] provides a visual indication of what physical weather models provide. Fig ...

      sensible heat flux definition

    • [DOC File]Solutions to the Exercises

      When the flux is only 0.4 m y-1, the residence time is 46 days. 1.2 An energy flux in equivalent mm y-1 of evaporation is (3600*24*365*10-6/2.5) = 12.6 times that flux expressed in W m-2. Hence for net radiation this is 1,312 mm/y, for evaporation 1,009 mm/y, and for sensible (turbulent) heat flux 240 mm/y. Chapter 2

      units of sensible heat flux

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