Sentence examples for vocabulary words

    • [DOCX File]-create a diagram and label it, using at least 5 ...

      Use at least 20 vocabulary words in a sentence that shows you understand the definition. ... Create a brochure for at least 20 words with examples and real-life pictures. F2F Only: Can. create foldable booklet. Activity . 9. Put 15 or more of the vocabulary words in a story, poem, song, or rap.

      vocabulary words meanings and sentences

    • [DOC File]Home - Woodland Hills School District

      PHYSICS VOCABULARY WORDS. STANDARD. Definition: An object or prescription to which all others are compared. In context. sentence: Measurements must be carefully compared to standards, or else they don’t make sense.

      vocabulary words definitions and sentences

    • [DOC File]Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary List

      Now choose any FIVE words from the Act 1 list to incorporate into a creative story of at least 5-10 sentences. Be sure to use the words in the correct context. Act I Vocabulary-Completing the Sentence. Use each vocabulary word once to complete the following sentences. augment boisterous valiant pernicious portentous

      vocabulary with sentence examples


      -Introduce the new vocabulary word/s.-Define and give examples of the words.-Demonstrate using manipulative for example, more, less-show with position students in the counters inside/outside circle.-Students use the new vocabulary using a sentence frame and manipulative. Break the word down to see if we know prefix, suffix or anything else.

      make sentences with vocabulary words

    • [DOC File]Vocabulary Homework Menu

      Vocabulary Boxes: Include the word, a definition, your own sentence, and a picture illustrating the word. Make sure to make a box for all five words. Word Definition Own Sentence Picture Short Story: Write a story using all five vocabulary words. Underline the Vocab words. Make sure that the examples use the words …

      sentence generator for vocabulary words

    • [DOC File]Vocabulary for Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli

      Vocabulary for Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. Word/ Origin Page Number Sentence Part of Speech Definition New Sentence Marooned 4 Marquee 6 Sneering 7 Hoax 8 Variants 10 Nonconformity 10 Acquired 12 Word/ Origin Page Number Sentence Part of Speech Definition New Sentence

      100 vocabulary words with definitions

    • [DOCX File]Vocabulary for “The Interlopers” by Saki

      Vocabulary for “The Interlopers” by Saki. 1. acquiesce: (v) to comply with; assent to without protest. 2. ambush: (n) the act of waiting in a concealed position in order to launch a surprise attack; (v) to lie in wait, to attack suddenly from a concealed position

      words with meaning and sentences

    • [DOC File]Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary List - Sewanhaka High School

      Completing the Sentence. Use each vocabulary word once to complete the following sentences. ... Use the space below to draw your own picture, find clip art, or cut out pictures from magazines for each of the 10 vocabulary words from this act. Make sure the picture helps you remember the definition. Write the word next to each picture, and be ...

      dictionary sentences for vocabulary words


      I chose words that helped make my point. Word/Sentence Use. I used some new vocabulary. I wrote complete sentences. I used correct subject/verb agreement. I used the past tense correctly. Mechanics/Format. I spelled words correctly. I used capitals to start sentences. I used periods and question marks correctly. I indented paragraphs. Editing

      vocabulary words meanings and sentences

    • [DOC File]Vocabulary Used in ISAT Testing

      nonparallel construction, sentence fragment, faulty tense change, irony, exaggeration, fragment 231-240 adverb phrase, adjective phrase, pronoun’s antecedent Title Last modified by

      vocabulary words definitions and sentences

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