Shutter island through the lens of psychoanalytic theory

    • Ten Questions for Psychoanalysis - JSTOR

      notorious that key concepts dominate psychoanalytic theories. Their explanatory power is linked to the formative role they play in child-hood. Later developments are explained in terms of unconscious desires in the child. Thus, people's lives are explained by reference to a priori, but not arbitrarily fixed points in psychoanalytic theory. The

    • Approaches to Reading with Multiple Lenses of Interpretation

      practicing the psychoanalytic lens, using the theory to frame events and character motivations. As Sheri-dan D. Blau points out in The Literature Workshop: Teaching Texts and Their Readers, in one course stu-dents will not gain a complete knowledge of complex theories such as psychoanalysis, and their interpreta-

    • [PDF File]Foucauldian Docile Body in Dennis Lehane’s Shutter Island

      The researcher endeavors to examine Lehane’s Shutter Island (2003) through Foucauldian glasses, ... including Shutter Island, using Foucauldian theory. “Haunted: Exploring Representations of Mental Health Through the Lens of the Gothic”, by Margaret McAllister and Donna Lee Brien, takes a Gothic reading approach on the three films and ...

    • The Psychoanalytic Approach to Shakespeare'S Hamlet

      facts in a neurosis-only through the inhibitory effects which proceed from it." (9) And he goes on to show that the chief inhibitory effect is Hamlet's hesitation. In fact, he considers that "The play is based upon Hamlet's hesita­ tion in accomplishing the task of revenge assigned to him;" (10) and that this he­ sitation is based upon Hamlet ...

    • [PDF File]Understanding Groups as Psychodynamic Systems in the Context of Racial ...

      psychoanalytic theory to explore its premise that the individual acts on behalf of the group, given the group norms and the cultural context in which the group exists. “Within each group or system, there are boundaries, authority ... defend against this anxiety through the mechanisms of splitting, projection, and projective identification ...

    • [PDF File]Psychodynamic Doctoral Dissertations Completed in 2019 and 2020

      Long Island University ‐ Brooklyn Coury, Mark Jacob Experiences of Social Rejection in Psychopathy and Narcissism Long Island University ‐ Brooklyn deSeve, Allison J. Self‐Concealment, Ambivalence, and Illusory Mental Health Long Island University ‐ Brooklyn Fernandez, Nicolas

    • [PDF File]Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Therapies, Second Edition

      change, the theory holds that longer term, intensive treatment is necessary to allow this relationship to develop and play a transformative role. In contemporary psychoanalytic practice, it is common to see clients once or twice a week for a shorter term, but the basic analytic values and goals remain.

    • [PDF File]A Psychoanalytic Interpretation - DiVA portal

      of self. Through the lens of Psychoanalytic Criticism, the present essay looks at fictional literature in order to gain insight into the human psyche, in hopes of discussing and spreading awareness about mental health. Psychoanalytic Criticism, the critical literary theory that the present paper endeavours

    • [PDF File]Psychoanalytic Criticism and Jane Eyre - Eastern Illinois University

      Western world thinks about itself. Psychoanalytic criticism has influ-enced the teachers our teachers studied with, the works of scholarship and criticism they read, and the critical and creative writers we read as well. What Freud did was develop a language that described, a model that explained, a theory that encompassed human psychology.

    • Frankenstein’s Fixations: A Psychoanalytic Evolutionary Approach to ...

      through a psychoanalytic lens with a look at human evolution. As Slavoj Zizek has explained, the sublime object is “that which can only be imagined as the incarnation of a pure desire beyond any recognizable object,” or what he calls, “[t]he objectification beyond a certain lack” (“The Sublime Object of Ideology” 208). Desire that

    • [PDF File]Psychoanalytic Theory used in English Literature: A Descriptive Study

      theory psychoanalysis is of great importance. III. The Basis of Freudian Psychoanalysis The modern theory that is used in literature has two accepted meanings. Firstly, it means a method of treating mentally disordered people. Secondly, it also goes to mean the theories on human mind and its various complexities. Psychoanalytic theory was ...

    • [PDF File]Routledge handbook of psychoanalytic political theory - Springer

      of psychoanalytic political theory, the book provides a succinct overview of the debates within psychoanalysis and highlights the critical resources that it brings to the study of politics. After all, the aim of the book is ‘to enrich and reorient (political) theory by ... interpret the phenomena in question through a psychoanalytic lens.


      psychoanalytic theory have extended to contexts outside of the therapeutic setting, and psychoanalytic scholars have increasingly attended to issues of race ... interpreted through broader and more inclusive lens as a way of moving toward a more complete understanding of racial and cultural diversity across clinical and community applications ...

    • Trust and Truth in Shutter Island

      truth as they are expressed, cinematically and philosophically, through the lens of Shutter Island (Martin Scorsese, 2010). Adapted from Dennis Lehane’s (2003) novel, the action in Shutter Island takes place over four days in 1954 in and around a water-bound, maximum-security facility called Ashecliffe. Described by its chief psychiatrist, Dr ...

    • [PDF File]Introduction To Psychoanalytic Theory - Boston Psychoanalytic Society ...

      Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory 2 Session II: September 29 Freudian Theory: Drives and Conflict Theory Mitchel SA, Black MJ (1995). Sigmund Freud and the Classical Psychoanalytic Tradition. In Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought. Basic Books, NY. Pp. 1-22. [Available in Library] Brenner C. (1982).

    • Psychoanalytic Concepts of Fatherhood: Patriarchal Paradoxes and the ...

      Rather, throughout psychoanalytic theory, the power of the father has been defined through his absence; an absence that demarcates the male’s ontological difference from the naturalized sphere of ma-ternal embodiment and thus confirms the father’s cultural suprem-acy.4 This characterization of the father as an absent authority at


      Keywords: psychoanalytic theory, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, cultural competence Psychoanalytic theory has been criticized for neglecting issues of social context and identity and for privileging internal life over external realities of clients in psychotherapy (Brown, 2010; Wachtel, 2009). However, many psychoanalytic scholars over the two

    • [PDF File]PSYCHOANALYSIS AND ITS CRITICS - American Psychological Association

      A frequent—I think the most frequent—response from the psychoanalytic community to cogent criticisms of traditional psychoanalytic theory (e.g., Gru¨nbaum, 1984, 1993) is some variation of “oh, that might have been true years ago, but psychoanalysis has progressed and we don’t think that way anymore. The critics are beating a dead or ...


      psychoanalytic theory have extended to contexts outside of the therapeutic setting, and psychoanalytic scholars have increasingly attended to issues of race ... interpreted through broader and more inclusive lens as a way of moving toward a more complete understanding of racial and cultural diversity across clinical and community applications ...

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