Significant synonym


      MOST SIGNIFICANT COMMON CORE KEY TERMS ... requires students to define, in their own words, the most significant terms embedded in the Common Core and PARCC assessments. The teacher can then juxtapose the students’ ... DO NOT USE A SYNONYM AS A DEFINITION

      thesaurus important

    • [PDF File]Rules for Significant Figures (sig figs, s.f.)

      Rules for Significant Figures (sig figs, s.f.) A. Read from the left and start counting sig figs when you encounter the first non-zero digit 1. All non zero numbers are significant (meaning they count as sig figs) 613 has three sig figs 123456 has six sig figs 2.

      alternatives to significant other

    • [PDF File]Statistical and Scientific Significance

      Statistical and Scientific Significance Query In relation to a predictor being statistically significant your notes (attached) say that such a variable plays some role in prediction. This suggests that we cannot be definitive that it definitely does play a role. Am I right in believing …

      another term for significant

    • [PDF File]Differentiating statistical significance and clinical ...

      significant. music intervention on HR, they didn’t find a statistically significant differ-ence—yet a difference may have actually existed and they missed it. In other words, the study lacked enough power to detect an actual difference. If this study is repeated with a larger sample size and a …

      words like important

    • Statistical versus Practical Significance

      statistically significant and insignificant results. There is no practical distinction between the P-values 0.049 and 0.051. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to treat α= 0.05 as a universal rule for what is significant. Summary Beware of placing too much weight on traditional values of α, such as α= 0.05.

      significantly meaning

    • [PDF File]Overall Impact versus Significance

      Mar 21, 2016 · Overall Impact versus Significance . The distinction between Significance and Overall Impact has generated some confusion since the implementation of . NOT-OD-09-025, “Enhancing Peer Review: The NIH Announces Enhanced Review Criteria for Evaluation of Research Applications Received for Potential FY 2010 Funding”.

      significant others synonym

    • [PDF File]List of Synonyms & Antonyms

      List of Synonyms | Download Available From Page 1 of 5 List of Synonyms A list of synonyms & antonyms for the 100 most ...

      significant synonyms thesaurus

    • [PDF File]CDISC Controlled Terminology

      •3 Changes to existing terms: None significant (synonym additions). Footer Text 1/14/2019 22. Controlled Terminology Package 37 Public Review •Laboratory Terminology Team (Units of Measure) •New Terms Added to Existing Codelists: •UNIT •To support Huntington’s Disease TAUG.

      thesaurus important

    • Significant Synonyms, Significant Antonyms |

      Synonyms for significant at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for significant.

      alternatives to significant other


      "The differences were [found] [to be] significant." Varying -- Be careful to distinguish from various or differing. In saying that you used varying amounts or varying conditions, you are implying individually changing amounts or conditions rather than a selection of various or different ones.

      another term for significant

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