Signs of fluid retention

    • [DOC File]PROTOTYPE DRUG: Interferon alfa 2 (Roferon-A, Intron A)

      Inform patient to report to health care provider any signs and symptoms of fluid retention; e.g. increase in weight by 2 lbs in a 1 week, swelling of hands and feet…

      what causes fluid retention in legs

    • [DOC File]Patho - KeithRN

      *Most abundant cation in extracellular fluid *Maintainsosmotic pressure of extracellular fluid *Regulates renal retention & excretion of water *Responsible for stimulation of neuromuscular reactions & maintains SBP. Serum below 135mEq/L… critical

      fluid retention in abdomen

    • [DOCX File]Texas Assisted Living Association

      The kidneys are less able to dispose of sodium and water, also causing fluid retention in the tissues. Tiredness, fatigue ...a tired feeling all the time and difficulty with everyday activities, such as shopping, climbing stairs, carrying groceries or walking.

      what causes water retention swelling

    • [DOC File]NURS 1327 – Transition from Vocational to Professional Nursing

      Urinary retention. Evaluation of Outcomes: The client will not experience complications of immobility as evidenced by: Breath sounds, breathing pattern. Skin integrity. Muscle strength, joint mobility. Absence of contractures. Vital signs. Tissue perfusion. Maintains nutritional status. Normal elimination patterns. Absence of injuries ...

      medications cause fluid retention

    • [DOC File]Text

      A weight gain over 0.5 pound/day or 3.3 pounds/week is most likely from fluid retention. The best prevention of this syndrome is to start nutritional supplementation slowly, especially with carbohydrates.

      unexplained water retention

    • [DOCX File]

      The signs and symptoms for stage 5 include harmful wastes build up in the blood, blood pressure rises, and excess fluid is retained. Pg. 526. From your reading of Mrs. Joaquin’s history and physical, what signs and symptoms did she have? The patient has diabetes as well as high blood pressure, which are two leading causes of kidney failure.

      diseases that cause fluid retention

    • [DOC File]PROTOTYPE DRUG: Oxytocin (Pitocin, Syntocinon)

      Be aware of fluid retention (teach to weigh self weekly and record, note tightening of rings, shoes, etc.) Decrease salt intake if edema occurs. Contact health care provider if 2 consecutive periods are missed; pregnancy may have occurred. Follow recommendations for follow-up. Do self breast exams monthly . Have annual PAP smears done.

      signs of retaining water


      Sep 02, 2014 · 6. Physical signs: Loss of subcutaneous fat over: Fluid retention: Triceps Edema Chest Ascites. Muscle wasting: Mucosal lesions: Deltoids Glossitis Temporal Skin rash suggestive deficiency . Quadriceps *Note: If there is recent weight gain, previous loss is not considered in the assessment.

      symptoms of water retention

    • [DOC File]Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy in Children

      There is often a history of markedly reduced oral intake of any fluids. Fluid losses may be from both ECF and ICF spaces are usually predominantly from the intracellular space (intracellular dehydration). Possibly due to the intracellular dehydration, CNS signs and symptoms are common (i.e., stupor, coma, hypertonia, convulsions).

      what causes fluid retention in legs

    • [DOC File]Fluid & Electrolyte

      Signs/Symptoms - muscle weakness, confusion, headaches, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, seizures, can progress to coma, first symptoms are in the CNS as brain cells swell Treatment – usually can not be fixed by adding sodium to the diet, can give NS (3% normal saline) to increase sodium content in the vascular fluid, if caused by fluid excess will need fluid restriction

      fluid retention in abdomen

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