Simple argument examples

    • [PDF File]PDF Classic Model for an Argument

      details or examples. Depending on how long your argument is, you will need to devote one to two well-developed paragraphs to each reason/claim or type of evidence. o Types of evidence include: • first-hand examples and experiential knowledge on your topic (specific examples

    • [PDF File]PDF Sentences, Statements and Arguments

      In everyday English, an argument is a dispute or debate. In logic, the term has a more technical meaning. An argument is a set of at least two statements, one of which is the conclusion of the argument, and the rest of which are premises offered in support of the conclusion.

    • [PDF File]PDF 1. Extracting Arguments From Texts extract

      To evaluate an argument that you have extracted and explained, do the following. a. State whether each simple argument is valid or invalid. If the argument is complex, then for each simple argument in it, state whether that simple argument is valid. (If you extracted the argument correctly, each simple argument will be valid.) b.

    • [PDF File]PDF Peck 1 Deserae Peck Paola Brown ENG 102

      Peck 1 Deserae Peck Paola Brown ENG 102 3 March 2008 Female circumcision is also known, more accurately, as female genital mutilation and female genital cutting (FGC.) There are three forms of FGC. The first is a clitoridectomy, the cutting and/or removal of the hood of the clitoris and all or part of the clitoris.


      Everyday Arguments is intended for freshman writing or composition courses aimed at students with college-level writing competence and for upper-level writing classes in argument or advanced expository writing. The text consists of a rhetoric of argument (Part I) and a readings section with illustrative readings

    • [PDF File]PDF Polito 1 Chris Polito - Mesa Community College

      argument. What people must understand is that properly raising a child does not rely on the structure of a family but should be more focused on the process or values that are taught to these children as they learn to mature. Children of single parents can be just as progressive with emotional, social and behavioral skills as those with two parents.

    • [PDF File]PDF Sample Argument Outline .edu

      The following is a basic outline of an argument essay. Keep in mind that this is only one kind of possible organization; there are several ways to structure an effective argument. Outlines can also vary in the amount of detail. Always check with your instructor if you are unsure about the


      • Every argument is made up of one or more simple arguments. A simple argument is the building block of all arguments, consisting of one claim and one reason (with two or more co-premises). A complex argument, like the one above, has several simple arguments linked together. In the example above, there are four simple arguments, one

    • [PDF File]PDF ARGUMENTATIVE PAPER STRUCTURE - University of Washington

      argument was vague or unsure. o WARNING: It's fine to introduce new information or quotations in your conclusions, as long as the new points grow from your argument. New points might be more general, answering the "so what" question; they might be quite specific. Just avoid making new claims that need lots of additional support.

    • [PDF File]PDF Argument Mapping at Work 2013 - - Reasoninglab

      Argument Maps show only evidential (inferential) relationships between claims. In Argument Maps, the lines mean something very specific: that something is a reason to believe or a reason not to believe something else. Argument maps are driven by the question, 'Why should I believe that? '. Any map driven by that question is an Argument Map.


      same claim. The argument goes around and around with the reason making the same claim as the original argument . EXAMPLE: John Updike is a wonderful writer because he writes so well. EXPLANATION: The second half of the statement says basically the same thing as the first half.

    • [PDF File]PDF Deductive and Inductive Arguments deductive argument guarontee

      Deductive and Inductive Arguments A deductive argument is an argument in which it is thought that the premises provide a guarontee of the truth of the conclusion. In a deductive argument, the premises are intended to provide support for the conclusion that is so strong that, if the premises are true, it would be impossible

    • [PDF File]PDF Introduction to mathematical arguments

      Introduction to mathematical arguments (background handout for courses requiring proofs) by Michael Hutchings A mathematical proof is an argument which convinces other people that something is true. Math isn't a court of law, so a "preponderance of the evidence" or "beyond any reasonable doubt" isn't good enough. In principle

    • [PDF File]PDF Validity and Soundness

      1 1.4 Validity and Soundness A deductive argument proves its conclusion ONLY if it is both valid and sound. Validity: An argument is valid when, IF all of it's premises were true, then the conclusion would also HAVE to be true. In other words, a "valid" argument is one where the conclusion necessarily follows from

    • [PDF File]PDF EMPIRICAL EQUIVALENCE1 - Philsci-Archive

      expressed by means of a simple argument. The first premise states that for any theory T that entails the class of observational consequences O there is another theory T' whose class of observational consequences is also O. The second premise is that entailment of evidence is the only epistemically justified criterion for the

    • [PDF File]PDF Simple Steps Teaching Legal Argumentation Using the Legal ...

      SIMPLE STEPS: TEACHING LEGAL ARGUMENTATION USING THE LEGAL ARGUMENT TEMPLATE by Nancy J. White, J.D. "Problem solving is a bit like beauty, morality, and good art. We are in favor of it, we know it when we see it, but we cannot define


      ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY Definition Refuting opposing arguments Organization Language Supporting our ideas Sample argumentative essay Definition: In this kind of essay, we not only give information but also present an argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of an argumentative issue.

    • [PDF File]PDF TOULMIN'S MODEL OF ARGUMENT - McDaniel College

      ARGUMENT MAPPING Map the Arguments for the Following Topics: 1. Men are as likely to gossip as women. 2. Women spend very little time talking about sports. 3. Women are more likely to use sexist language than men. 4. The use of profanity has significantly increased in US media over the past 10 years. 5.

    • [PDF File]PDF Sample MLA Formatted Paper - University of Washington

      stop for a school bus, and drunk driving are obvious examples; phoning in a moving vehicle should be no exception. Unlike more general laws covering negligent driving, specific laws leave little ambiguity for law officers and for judges and juries imposing pun-ishments. Such laws have another important benefit: They leave no ambiguity for drivers.

    • [PDF File]PDF The Foundations: Logic and Proofs

      argument form is an argument that is valid no matter what propositions are substituted into its propositional variables. If the premises are p1 ,p2, …,pn and the conclusion is q then (p1 ∧ p2 ∧ … ∧ pn) → q is a tautology. Inference rules are all argument simple argument forms that will be

    • [PDF File]PDF Constructing a Legal Argument - TC Beirne School of Law

      How an argument works •It is useful to consider exactly how a logical argument fits together. •A logical argument has two parts: the premises and the conclusion. -The conclusion is what you are arguing for e.g., This case had a negative impact on constitutional government in Australia. Be clear on your conclusion before you start writing.

    • [PDF File]PDF Analytical Writing Sample Essays and Commentaries Large Print ...

      of two writing topics, an Issue topic and an Argument topic. This document contains the writing topics for Practice Test #3, the scoring guides for each section, and sample responses with commentaries for each topic. Note: Sample responses are reproduced exactly as written, including misspellings, wrong choice of words, typographical

    • [PDF File]PDF Legal Memorandum Format Sample

      Legal Memorandum Format Sample On the following pages is a legal memorandum formatted the way your memos in this class should be formatted. The substance of this memo comes from Appendix A of the Wellford text. The formatting follows the "Visual Rhetoric" instructions on pages 57-59 of this Supplement.

    • [PDF File]PDF What is a good argument? - University of Notre Dame

      What is a good argument? ... reason; and I said that to answer a question on the basis of reason is to give an argument for your answer. But what is an argument? An argument has two parts, First, there's what you're arguing for --- the conclusion of the ... Let's consider some examples. 1 ...

    • [PDF File]PDF Writing Simple Arguments Module

      Writing Simple Arguments Module Writing clear arguments is a skill that all college students have to develop both for continued success in the academic world as well as for future success in the career world. This tutorial will assist you in writing stronger argument essays. Here are three skills that you should focus on developing:

    • Journal Articles Publications 1995 Closing Argument

      CLOSING ARGUMENT The point is simple. Nearly every case has some serious problem that needs attention in final argument. Usually that problem is not solved by a summary of the evidence, but by a line of argument that is designed to meet the particular difficulty. 2 An effective closing argument should attack the serious problems

    • [PDF File]PDF 1 2 Wrapup

      Simple Arguments The following passage provides an "argument", that is, it contains reasoning or evidence for a conclusion. Sara and Beth are students in Logic 101 and are identical twins. Like many such twins, Sara and Beth share more than just physical traits: they tend to behave in similar ways, share interests down to very specific


      of ordinary discourse, an argument has an additional trait, described as follows. Usually, the premises of an argument are intended to support (justify ) the conclusion of the argument. Before giving some concrete examples of arguments, it might be best to clarify a term in the definition. The word 'statement' is intended to mean

    • [PDF File]PDF 1. Analogies analogous - David Agler

      A Simple Argument by Analogy 1 (analogy) Water is analogous to wine. 2 (statement) If you carelessly step on a floor with water on it, you will slip. 3 (conclusion) If you carelessly step on a floor with wine on it, you will slip.

    • [PDF File]PDF Chapter 9 CLOSING ARGUMENT

      is unrealistic to think that any amount of clever argument can turn a loser into a winner. On the other hand, if a majority of jurors are inclined to vote in your favor, based on the evidence, then you ought to win the case. Your closing argument can solidify and organize your supporters, arm them with

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