Social relationships articles

    • [DOC File]Therapeutic Factors, Interpersonal Learning and Group Cohesion

      A simple manifestation might be an inability to make eye contact while conversing that has undermined social relationships (Yalom & Leszcz, 2005). The group provides members with an environment that fosters adaptive and effective communication (Evidence, 2012).

      health benefits of social relationships

    • [DOC File]Idolizing Sports Celebrities: A Gateway to Psychopathology

      By building routines around and factitious relationships with television celebrities, fans synthesize social worlds with fictional personalities (Ferris, 2001). Unfortunately, psychopathic intentions and behaviors may result when the line between genuine and artificial worlds blurs (Caughey, 1978).

      scholarly articles on relationships


      Social constructionism- therapeutic perspective within a postmodern worldview that stresses client reality without disputing the accuracy and validity. Emphasizes …

      social relationships and mental health

    • [DOC File]Seven Elements of the Social Work Relationship

      Seven Elements of the Casework (Social Work) Relationship *Excerpted from the article referenced below These principles have become integrated into social work thought and practice and are often referred to as practice principles.

      importance of social relationships


      Social workers have defined disasters primarily in terms of the social and psychological impact of natural and technological hazards. The social work profession has been largely concerned with disaster-related issues such as prevention of severe disruption during disaster, impacts on systems at multiple levels of analysis, and availability of ...

      what are social relationships

    • [DOC File]Psychology 54 - Close Relationships

      This class will examine various issues in the study of close relationships using social psychological theory and research. We will examine the development of interpersonal attraction, theories of love and relationship development, common problems in relationships (jealousy, loneliness, conflict), and therapeutic interventions.

      social health articles

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