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    • [DOC File]Sample Prompting Questions/Topics for Circles

      Please note: It is always important to carefully select which questions or topics to pose to the group depending on the needs of the group. The health of each member of …

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      Mary Hoffman’s Amazing Grace. Activity Sheets. Pack Contents . Feedback Form – to be completed by pupils (may need adult assistance when writing comments).

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    • [DOCX File]They Don’t Mean It.docx - Ms. Stone's Class

      Music is the most important thing in our family. My elder brother plays the violin, my second sister plays the viola, and I play the cello. We all practice very hard, and I know Father thinks that we are all doing well—only he has never said so to other people.

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    • [DOC File]12/29/2005 - Geranium Farm

      12/23/2005 What Are Your Favorite Christmas Memories or Family Traditions? 12/25/2005 Merry Christmas! 12/26/2005 Childhood Christmas Memories . 12/27/2005 A Delightful Evening of Music . 12/28/2005 Things You Learn From The Movies . 12/29/2005 Guess It's About Time For The Kids To Be Writing Those Thank You Notes

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    • [DOC File]Christmas Star Script - Kids Friendly

      Leader: That’s okay, we’re about to do a play of the Christmas story. Maybe you’ll remember your job, then you’ll be able to join in. Star: That’d be great! Leader: The Christmas story is the story about how Jesus was born. The very first person to hear about it was his mother Mary. Star: Oh, gotta go, see ya! Enter Angel. Star bumps ...

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    • [DOC File]Scots Language Resources - HIGHLAND LITERACY

      Introduce pupils to Scots names for animals using soft toys. Sing Scots songs, using “Kist O’ Dreams” CD. Use Scots songs – eg ‘Three craws sat upon a wa’, ‘Katie Bardie had a coo’ Try updating these rhymes e.g. “Katie Bardie had a coo, with a NIKE shoe!” Use action games in Scots e.g. “Simon says” *

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    • [DOC File]Generic risk assessment form (Word 159KB)

      Title: Generic risk assessment form (Word 159KB) Last modified by: Buss Created Date: 3/5/2008 12:23:00 PM Other titles: Generic risk assessment form (Word 159KB)

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    • [DOC File]Long Hollow Baptist Church

      When the music stops, instruct them to freeze. To “break the freeze” they have to say the Bible memory verse. Bible Learning Game Time. Bible Learning Activities. 8:45 & 11:30 (11:00 at WH and 11:15 at Gallatin) Intro Activity—Make Christmas Cards: Show the children the Bible story picture and then help them make Christmas Cards.

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    • [DOC File]It's no secret that public speaking can be a a nerve ...

      1. Write down various topics that will be relatively easy for high school kids to talk about for at least a minute. (there is a list attached) Topics should be simple so that students can focus on eye contact, body language and gaining confidence, rather that on the argument they are making. 2. …

      holiday music for the office

    • [DOC File]Holiday Dinner Traditions

      Soft music is playing in the background and we eat by candlelight. Every year the menu changes. Sometimes I order take out, other times I will cook a fancy dinner. It just depends on how much time I have. ... So now every year that is the first thing the kids look for when they sit down for dinner. ... Christmas Breakfast.

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