Something that makes you think

    • [DOC File]To Kill A Mockingbird reading comprehension questions

      Who do you think rescued the kids? Why do you think this? Chapter 29. There is a “shiny clean line” on the otherwise “dull wire” of Scout’s costume. What does it tell you about the attack? Who rescued the kids? If you were going to give this chapter a title, what would it be and why? What is the most important sentence in the chapter?

      what makes you think

    • [DOCX File]Welcome to Adult Basic Skills Professional Development ...

      Have you ever done something individually that makes you proud? obtain. ... Can you think of something you need to obtain in the next few months? potential. The tropical storm has the potential to become a hurricane. Its winds seem to keep getting stronger, and it …

      things that get you thinking

    • [DOC File]How to be a Great Supervisor - Dartmouth College

      The biggest mistake that new supervisors make is to think that they have to do it all themselves. This usually drives those employees you supervise crazy. Please, give them something to do! Gain an understanding of problems through active listening. See #4 above. There is no way to solve a problem unless you understand it.

      things that make you think


      Which one do you think makes a louder sound? (Display two pictures, e.g., a baby crying and a racing fire engine.) Spanish: ¿Cuál creen ustedes que hace un sonido más fuerte? (Muestre dos fotos, p. ej., una de un bebé llorando y otra de un camión de bomberos). ... Can you find something with a straight line and something with a curved line ...

      made me think synonym


      The DHS and numerous business groups, such as The Business Roundtable, acknowledge that an effective partnership between government and business must be established as part of the nation’s homeland security efforts. This makes sense since almost …

      facts to make you think

    • [DOC File]ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

      Name something that makes you worried, angry or sad? What does the BTN Happiness Survey aim to find out? The 2015 Happiness Survey found _______of kids are nearly always happy.

      thoughts that make you think

    • [DOC File]Goldilocks and The Three Bears - Appalachian State University

      If you think it is an example of something that makes you relax, say “relax”. If you think it is not an example of something that makes you relax say “no way”. *A bubble bath. (relax) *Doing your homework. (no way) *Lying on the beach. (relax) *Taking a nap. (relax)

      funny things that make you think

    • [DOC File]Examples of Prompts for Student Self-Reflection on a ...

      If you were to start this course/program over, what would you do differently next time? What strategies you used to learn the material in this course/program? Which were most effective? Why? What risks did you take in this course/program? If you could change any one of the assignments you did for this course/program, which one would it be?

      word for makes you think

    • [DOC File]“My artifact” - LPS

      Tonight you need to find an artifact (object) that somehow represents you. Your artifact should be important to you in some way. This means it makes you think of something about you, or an event, or person important in your life. Usually an artifact will have a story connected to it and to your life.

      what makes you think

    • [DOC File]Great Expectations: Guided Discussion Questions

      Pg. 513 – Do you think Estella got what she deserved in her marriage? After reading the chapter, does it end the way you wanted it to? Does it end the way you think Pip wanted it to? Read the alternate ending. Which do you prefer and why? Spend some time and write down another alternate ending that you think would better conclude the story.

      things that get you thinking

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