Songs about card games

    • How do children play a card game?

      Children sit in a circle. One child is chosen to take the bag and walk around the outside of the circle as the song is being sung. This child drops cards behind children while they are seated. At the end of the song they can turn around and see if they have a card behind them.

    • How do you play a music game with young students?

      Decide on a beginning point for the circle and then moving clockwise around the circle, the first four students are assigned the name of a composer (Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi). If playing this game with young students, they could wear a sign around their neck with the composer’s name on it.

    • How do you teach rhythm cards?

      This child drops cards behind children while they are seated. At the end of the song they can turn around and see if they have a card behind them. Those with rhythm cards put the cards on the floor in front of them, and take turns to clap the rhythm on their card. Students form a circle.

    • [PDF File]Fun Iideas for the Classroom - Kodály Australia

      Songs: ∙ The Moose Song ∙ I Have an Aunt ∙ The Beaver Song ∙ Alice the Camel ∙ Boom Chicka Boom Activities/Games: ∙ Get‐To‐Know You Ball ∙ The Bus ∙ Train Wreck ∙ Dead Cow ∙ Frog Catcher Skits: ∙ I’m Proud to be a 4‐Her

    • [PDF File]From Super Simple Songs - Christmas

      1. Mix up and lay out the cards you have chosen. Point to each card as you say the name of each picture (great vocabulary builder!). The students repeat the word. 2. Speak with your letter puppet. She let’s the students know that the rocket is MAGIC! It only flies if the picture card starts with her sound. 3. The rocket is on the ground.

    • [PDF File]Pre-K Songs and Games for Phonological Awareness

      Kodaly songs and games 10 Kodaly songs and games Weeks 14 – 24 Caterpillar Children can use their index finger to wriggle like a caterpillar, and then with their other hand make a bird’s beak to swoop down on the caterpillar. ‘Magpie’ can be substituted with other 2-syllable bird names such as ‘parrot’, ‘blackbird’, ‘eagle’ etc.

    • [PDF File]Kodaly Songs and Games - Beacon Media

      on the beat. When the music stops, students must run to the closest card and stand in that area. The teacher then performs one of the rhythm patterns from the card. Any students who are standing in the proximity of the card are eliminated and must sit down. Play continues until a winner is found. There are so many possible variations on this game.

    • [PDF File]Listening Cords Rhyming Games - Teaching Strategies

      Level 2: Joins in rhyming songs and games • Child engages in rhyming experiences, rather than doing the activity. Level 4: Fills in the missing rhyming word; generates rhyming words spontaneously • Say a rhyme and tug gently on one of the listening cords for a child to fill in the missing rhyming word.

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