South san antonio isd

    • South San Antonio Independent School District / HOME

      The South San Antonio Independent School District is located in the south and southwest portion of San Antonio, TX, serving nearly 9,000 students through outstanding instructional programs and staff.

      sulphur springs independent school district

    • [DOC File]T e x a s E d u c a t i o n A g e n c y

      2004 campuses with 50% or less of the students passing any reading, writing, mathematics, science, or social studies test on the year specific Texas assessment instrument summed

      south san antonio school district


      SOUTH SAN ANTONIO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Author: Student Last modified by: Perez, Melissa M Created Date: 1/31/2017 8:39:00 PM Company: South San Antonio ISD Other titles: SOUTH SAN ANTONIO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT

      south san antonio high school


      The South San Antonio Independent School District is requesting sealed bid proposals for the purpose of purchasing baseball equipment for South San and West Campus High Schools. 2. In order to establish the grade, standard and style of equipment desired, a brand name has been given. All bids must be based on comparable equipment, if it is to be ...

      south san antonio isd skyward

    • [DOCX File]BBC(H)-P [/Revisions/Numbered Updates/SD.LPM.110/Policy ...

      south san antonio isd. 015908. board members. bbc. vacancies and removal from office (legal) date issued: 2/19/2018 . 4 of 4. update 110. bbc(legal)-p

      south san antonio isd superintendent

    • [DOC File]May 28, 2009

      A motion that the University of Texas-University Charter School Amendment Request and board resolution for an additional site expansion amendment to add a new site in San Antonio, Texas, affiliated with the Laurel Ridge Treatment Center be approved as submitted was made by Dr. Judith Loredo and seconded by Ms. Elvia Rosales.

      south san antonio independent school district

    • [DOC File]

      South San Antonio Independent School District (“SSAISD” or the “District”) is the Petitioner herein and has proposed the termination of Ronald Durbon’s (“Respondent”) employment contract during the term of the contract for good cause pursuant to Texas Education Code, …


    • [DOC File]TEA FY2019 Payments - Vendors Beginning with 'S'

      tea fy2019 payments - vendors beginning with "s" payment date amount s and s cisd 09/07/18 25,382.88 09/21/18 1,358,652.00 09/27/18 525.69 10/05/18 41,772.17 10/23/18 618,945.00 11/07/18 46,877.20 11/20/18 345,536.00 11/30/18 15,949.00 s and s cisd - total 2,453,639.94 s&p dow jones indices llc 10/31/18 63,350.00 s&p dow jones indices llc - total 63,350.00 s&p global market intelligence llc 10 ...

      south san isd job openings

    • [DOCX File]Texas Association of School Administrators | Inspiring Leaders

      Because the charter funding advantage gives a charter school a $1,664 per student larger funding entitlement than South San Antonio ISD, Prelude will cost the state an additional $2,793,923 in its first five years and $8,484,802 in the first ten years over the cost of enrollment of the same students in South San Antonio ISD.

      sulphur springs independent school district

    • [DOCX File]GKG(H)-P [/Revisions/Numbered Updates/SD.RRM.39/Point ...

      South San Antonio ISD. 015908. COMMUNITY RELATIONS. GKG. SCHOOL VOLUNTEER PROGRAM (LEGAL) DATE ISSUED: 11/14/2017 . 4 of 4. UPDATE 109. GKG(LEGAL)-P. A district shall develop a volunteer program. In developing the program, a district shall consider volunteers a resource that requires advance planning and preparation for effective use. If ...

      south san antonio school district

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