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      The First Thursday, at 7pm at St. Joseph’s School (behind St. Joseph’s Church), 10 St. Joseph’s Avenue, Yonkers. (March 6). New Hours at the Health Centers at St. Joseph’s. The Family Health Center at St. Joseph’s Medical Center will have more convenient hours for its Quality Primary & Walk-In Care for Children and Adults.

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    • [DOCX File]

      For a scholarship recipient, the minimum academic qualification for the renewal of the scholarship, established by a grade report from the qualified institution, certified by the appropriate office of the institution, is a GPA ending each individual academic year with a 2.0 for each year on a 4.0 system or the equivalent.

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    • [DOC File]State Of Michigan

      Development of a WIA incentive grant application and the application process. In addition, CLEG will advise the Governor on broader standards to assess the effectiveness of the broader workforce development efforts that include Michigan universities, community colleges, and K-12 schools, as well as state- and federally-funded workforce ...

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    • [DOC File]DOA Home

      Board of Cosmetology—Cosmetology (LAC 46:XXXI.Chapters 3, 5, 7 and 17) 542. Boxing and Wrestling Commission—Professional Wrestling (LAC 46:XI.Chapter 5) 545. This public document was published at a total cost of $1,365. Two hundred fifty copies of this public document were published in this monthly printing at a cost of $1,365.

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    • [DOCX File]Introduction .us

      The operator license authorizes its holder to practice all phases of cosmetology, including any specialty. An additional license is required to be an instructor, esthetician or manicurist. ... 1101 West 34th St., #780-181. Austin, Texas 78705. Phone: 512-333-2939 FAX: 512-452-6546. ... $25 Geoscientist in training application or renewal fee.

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    • [DOC File]DOA Home

      Board of Pardons(Clemency Consideration Eligibility and Application Filing (LAC 22:V.Chapter 2) 1087. Office of Financial Institutions(Investment Adviser Registration Procedure (LAC 10:XIII.Chapter 13) 1088. Health. Board of Examiners of Psychologists(Provisional Licensure of Psychologists (LAC 46:LXIII.102, 105, 601,

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    • [DOCX File]

      A special place in history of cosmetology belongs to an ancient India, where was a cult of female beauty, for support of its was used balms and fragrant with ambergris and tuberose, plant extracts, mascara, whiteness for face, nail polish. Merit of India is connected with the creation of surgical cosmetology (operations with plastic of the nose).

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    • [DOC File]UPDATE TO:

      Explore the possibility of making the second suspension “final” until the student is eligible for academic renewal after ten years. Academic Success Workshop Totals Academic Year 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Number on Warning 1,891 1,885 1,736 Completed Online Workshop 955 1,102 1,117 Completed In-Person Workshop 232 133 61

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    • [DOC File]

      Oct 21, 2007 · Applications for State Tax Credit must be submitted to Nina Moor, Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Manager, NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal, Hampton Plaza, 38-40 State Street, Albany, New York 12207, with a $100 application fee. For an application package contact the New York City Regional Office at 212-480-7644.

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    • Agenda

      Commissioner Bruender moved and Commissioner McLaughlin seconded the motion to approve the amended agenda to include a revised personnel agenda, information on obtaining property for a County park, authorization of the chairperson’s signature on an RC&D grant application, and approval of an agreement with Maximus for the County Cost ...

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