Staar expository prompts 7th grade

    • [PDF File]STAAR Writing Prompts by Grade Level and by Year

      STAAR Expository Writing Prompts Grade 7 English I English II Sample Tests, 2011 Write an essay explaining whether it is better to work by yourself or with a group.* Write an essay explaining whether people should be more concerned about others than about themselves.*

    • Writing on the STAAR

      Design and Administration of the STAAR Writing Assessment. Blueprint for the 7. th. Grade STAAR Wrtingi Test: 2 compositions—one personal narrative; one expository 24 questions about editing for grammar, spelling, etc. 16 questions about revising for meaning, flow, etc. PLUS Feid Tl est Items: 1 composition (either narrative or expository)

    • Grade 7 Writing - Texas Education Agency

      Expository — 1 STAAR Grade 7 March 2015 Score Point 1 Instead of explaining the importance of having a good friend, the writer relates a story about a time he met a new friend at the park. Although the writer addresses the topic of friendship, the organizing structure of the response is inappropriate to the expository purpose.

    • [PDF File]State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness

      STAAR Grade 7 April 2018. Expository — 1. Score Point 1. In this essay the writer provides the vague controlling idea that it is important to “keep your wishes and promises, because they can do you good.” The writer attempts to equate New Year’s resolutions to promises.

    • Grades 4 and 7 Writing

      STAAR Writing Prompts Expository prompts contain a stimulus and are scaffolded: Read, Think, Write, Be Sure to − Purpose: to help students “build” a concept of what they might write about and to provide students with important reminders that will help them be successful on the writing task 9

    • STAAR EOC Expository Essay [9th-12th grade]

      Unit Title: STAAR EOC Expository Essay Grade Level: 9th ‐12th Subject/Topic Area(s): English I STAAR EOC Essay Designed By: J. Kat Aylesworth Time Frame: Three Weeks School District: Round Rock ISD School: Success High School School Address and Phone: 500 …

    • [PDF File]Writing Prompts for Middle School - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

      Writing Prompts for Middle School Middle School Expository/Informative Prompts 1. NEW Imagine that you could give advice to someone—it could be someone you know personally, a historical figure, or a famous person living today. Write an essay that identifies the person and the advice you would give.

    • [PDF File]75 Expository Prompts - RPDP

      75 Expository Prompts 32. Your generation faces many problems. Identify one of these problems that you feel is the most important, explain it, and propose some possible solutions to the problem. 33. Suppose you have been appointed to a neighborhood improvement committee. You must make recommendations on ways to make your neighborhood a better


      The prompts are modeled on those in the seventh-grade test. There are four expository clarification, four expository point-of-view, one narrative, and two persuasive prompts. Although narrative and persuasive writing will not be tested on the seventh-grade assessment, they have

    • [PDF File]Expository Prompts For 9th Grade Staar

      Access Free Expository Prompts For 9th Grade Staar As recognized, adventure as competently as experience about lesson, amusement, as capably as accord can be gotten by just checking out a books expository prompts for 9th grade staar moreover it is not directly done, you could take even more nearly this life, in relation to the world.

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