Star wars rpg equipment

    • [DOC File]TIME TALES:

      Among the provisions is the suggestion of a superweapon to be used as a anti-rebellion deterrent. Palpatine adopts the accord, making Tarkin the first Grand Moff, and putting him in charge of what comes to be known as "Project Death Star." Conjecture from the SW RPG Death Star …

      star wars rpg equipment list

    • [DOC File]Round 4 - Trash

      Round 4 – Forest of Illusion. Tossups. 1) The Japanese version of this game was released with a bundle containing a pair of blue ear-bud style headphones.One part of this game features a large sun-like …

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    • [DOC File]WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT - BattleTech

      Era Weapons and Equipment Table. Star League Succession Wars Clan Civil Dark Age. Age of War Star League Early Late Invasion War Jihad Republic Dark Age. Weaons and Equipment (2005-2570) …

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    • [DOC File]Steven Cavanagh's

      Star Wars. RPG Tales. Gaming Sourcebook. Weapons 1. Disvari Lowlight Blaster 1. Doogo Garbage Cannon 2. Eight Gun 2. Eguale Prod 3. Force Lash 3. Gumgun 3. Heatblade 4. Mong Pike Blaster 4. Needlebeamer Blaster 4. Wrist Saber 5. Electrospurs 5. Equipment …

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