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      Names that come to mind include McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Apple, Ikea, Samsung, Mercedes, and Starbucks. In fact, the Starbucks symbol and its coffee can be seen and purchased in 28,209 locations in 76 countries around the world. As Starbucks has grown in popularity over the past few decades, so too has the criticism of the company.

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    • [DOC File]INTRODUCTION - Oregon State University

      D) 330 cups of flour were used to make all of the apple pies. The actual price paid per cup of flour was $0.35. Calculate the quantity and price variances for flour. Provide a possible explanation for the quantity variance. Price variance = AQ x (AP – SP) = 330 cups x ($0.35 ( $0.40) = $16.50 favorable. Quantity variance = SP x (AQ – SQ)

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