State of texas legal definitions


      Organized the Texas Forum XXV for the State Bar of Texas, a joint conference of the State Bar of Texas Standing Committee on Paralegals and the Paralegal Division of the State Bar, November 9, 2007. Interviewed for feature article in national trade journal: Collins, Allyson T., "So You Want to Teach?" Legal Assistant Today, Jan-Feb. 2007

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    • [DOCX File]I. INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS - Texas Health and …

      an agency of the State of Texas as defined in Texas Government Code §2056.001.ii Institutions of Higher Education as defined by §61.003 of the Education Code. Minority Organization is defined as an organization in which the Board of Directors is made up of 50% racial or ethnic minority members.

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      In the event that a volunteer is sued as a result of performing services as a volunteer/intern, the State of Texas will not indemnify the volunteer and will not provide a defense for such litigation. VOLUNTEER TRAINING. Volunteers are required to participate in a refresher …

      texas law dictionary

    • [DOCX File]Texas Health and Human Services Commission

      The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is an agency within the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) system. DSHS is seeking Applications to establish Contract(s) to provide COVID-19 vaccination services to residents living in the State of Texas.

      texas law definitions

    • [DOCX File]Part I. Definitions - Texas Commission on Environmental ...

      Part I. Definitions. The following words and terms, for the purposes of this general permit, shall have the following meanings. ... water in the state for one or more categories of waste discharge within a geographical area of the state or the entire state as provided by Texas Water Code (TWC) § 26.040. ... at a minimum, include: the legal ...

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    • [DOCX File]ISSUES AND ALTERNATIVES: - Texas Health and Human Services

      Proposed §377.201, Purpose and Definitions, describes the purpose of proposed Subchapter C and defines terms specific to the subchapter. Proposed §377.203, Legal Authorization, provides the relevant sections of the Texas Family Code under which Subchapter C is promulgated.

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      (b) To transfer a person from a state operated facility in another state to a Texas state hospital or SSLC: (1) the person must be a resident of Texas; (2) the person's LAR must live in Texas; or (3) the person must have a family member living in Texas who will play a significant role in the person's life. §903.5. Legal Basis for ...

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    • Instructions: Texas Security Instrument (Form 3044)

      Texas - Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT (Form 3044) Type of Instrument Instrument Revision Date. Deed of Trust 1/01 (rev. 10/17) Instrument Last Modified Instruction Page Last Modified. 9/3/02 (Deletion of SS# Blanks) 10/2/06 (Spanish Translations Added)

      texas legal terms and definitions

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