States ranked by population density

    • List of Tables - Home - Swansea Bay University Health Board

      Assam recorded the highest density of population with 340 per sq. km., which is also higher than the national average of 313 per sq. km., followed by Tripura with 305 per sq. km. Otherwise, the region is sparsely populated with an overall density of population of 149 per sq. km. Table 1. Area and Population of North East India ( 2001 Census)

      list states by population

    • [DOC File]Telework Initiatives A Comparison of State Rankings

      Two states have a population density of less than 10 people per km2: Western Bahr el Ghazal (3 per km2) and Western Equatoria (8 per km2), while five states have a density that lies between 10 per km2 and 20 per km2 (Table 4). Of these, Upper Nile has the largest cropland area nationally but a population density of 13 per km2.

      states by population density 2016

    • [DOCX File]Overview

      Population density (population per square mile) as documented by the most recent United States Census ( (0 points for population density less than the state population density, 10 points for population density of 1 to 2 times the state population density, 20 points for population density of 2 to 3 times the state population ...

      u s states by population density

    • [DOCX File]Acknowledgments - All Documents | The World Bank

      The county consists of 707 square miles with a 2000 population density of 97.1 residents per square mile. The average density in Texas is 79.6 persons per square mile which is the same as the national average. This county ranked 48th in 2000 population compared to all 254 counties in Texas with an estimated population of 67,138.

      highest population per square mile

    • [DOC File]THE POPULATION CONTEXT - Liberal Arts

      How has population changed over the last several years across the network? Identify CBSA populations with changes over time (e.g., 2000 census to latest estimate) Ensure assessment identifies population shifts within a metro area, if they exist (e.g., less population in urban core with new population coverage in outlying counties.

      population of each state

    • [DOC File]Model for Estimating General Aviation Operations at Non ...

      Figure 5 sets out the position in relation to the all-cause mortality rate in Wales per 100,000 population for all ages. The data shows that for 2012-14 the ABM ULHB all-cause mortality rate per 100,000 population for all ages at 1,096 is higher than the rate for Wales (1,042) and is the second highest among the health boards, with Cwm Taf UHB at 1,184 the highest.

      most populous states

    • [DOC File]Network Assessment Checklist - United States Environmental ...

      It is expected that these variables will be positively correlated with airport annual operations. GRA also calculated the ratio of population within 25 miles of the airport to population within 100 miles of the airport (which will be a value between 0 and 1) as a proxy for relative population density …

      us population per square mile

    • [DOC File]Globalization and North East India: Issues and Challenges

      Protozoan planktons are the smallest in size essentially form a link in food chain in an aquatic ecosystem. The protozoan population in Narmada river contributed only 14.8% of total Zooplankton and represented by 10 species. The maximum average density has been reported in March (101.8 Ind/l) and minimum in August (7.2 Ind/l).

      population density of usa

    • United States by Density 2021

      Nov 03, 2017 · Massachusetts is ranked among the top 10 states for the economy. ... Population Density. Massachusetts is often thought of as urban because of the dense concentration of people in metro-Boston and other cities. But 52% of Massachusetts’ landmass is classified as rural, including 56% of the state’s cities and towns. ...

      list states by population

    • [DOCX File]FFP ranking Criteria for Utah FY 2002

      For example, California ranked the highest in population density, statewide economy, and its distance learning initiative, contradictorily, even though Arkansas has a medium population density, its economy and distance learning initiative indicators ranked very low. 8. …

      states by population density 2016

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