Stock market feed data

    • [DOC File]

      NASDAQ® offers four data feeds as part of the NASDAQ Options MarketSM: NASDAQ’s Best of NASDAQ OptionsSM (BONOSM) data feed calculates and disseminates NASDAQ’s best bid and offer position with aggregated size, based on displayable order interest in the NASDAQ Options Market. NASDAQ BONO also disseminates last sale data for option order executions that occur within the NASDAQ Options Market.

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      The stock quotes are getting updated after getting a live feed from the database, which are further getting the information from some other web site. ... The data flows from the posted data from the database to the Member Users and Market Analysts. NOTES Data posting is allowed only by the stockbrokers and the accountants. ... LABEL Stock ...

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    • [DOC File]London Stock Exchange

      Customers using the MITCH market data feed should ensure that their feed handlers can process the new message. The updated MIT303 – Level 2 MITCH and MIT401 – Guide to Reference Data …

      live stock market data feed

    • [DOC File]Overview of TPC-E

      Market – tables containing data related to the exchanges, companies, and securities that create the financial market. ... Market-Feed. The Market-Feed transaction is designed to emulate the process of tracking the current market activity. ... The Trade-Result transaction is designed to emulate the process of completing a stock market …

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