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    • [DOC File]Vocabulary book - Word version - Pearson

      artichoke artichaut (m) bathrobe, dressing gown robe de chambre (f) best-before date date limite de consommation (f) cardigan gilet (m) cheap, value for money pas cher/chère cheap, value for money de bon marché clearance sale liquidation du stock (f) corner shop épicerie (f) delicatessen charcuterie (f) extra/supplement supplément (m ...

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    • [DOC File]Resume. 94 - University of Washington

      Graduate Faculty Representative Hyo Jung Park, MSN, RN, 2003- present. Member, Reading Committee Dave Gerson, HRMOB, 1998-Member, Supervisory Committee Lori Homer, HRMOB, 1994. Member, Supervisory & Reading Jim Waller, Cognitive Psychology 1997-1999. Member, Supervisory & Reading Linda Price, Education Administration, 1995-2002

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    • [DOC File]Supporting Finding and Re-Finding - People | MIT CSAIL

      Although numbers can’t be directly compared, due to variation in the number of possible ratings and the size of the result set evaluated, inter-rater agreement appears to be substantially higher for TREC (e.g., greater than 94% (Koenmann & Belkin, 1996)) and previous studies of the Web (e.g., 85% (Eastman & Jansen, 2003)).

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    • Title

      Intra rater – consistency of scores given by the same rater at different times. Validity: is related to the appropriateness of the inferences that are made on the basis of the results of assessment. Accuracy. Criterion-related: concerned with adequacy and appropriateness of the interpretation and use of assessment results.

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    • [DOC File]55th Operations Group Officer Performance Report Guide

      If the rater's (or additional rater's) name is too long to fit the whole first line in the block, abbreviate the first name. ... msn -- mission. MSN -- Microsoft Network. MTF – Medical Treatment Facility. MWR – morale, welfare, and recreation. ... bench stock. best-ever. bianything (used as a prefix) bold-spirited (mod) boldface. book ...

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    • [DOC File]An unofficial guide to writing EPRs, DECs and awards

      In essence, one bullet per achievement, particularly in the rater’s rater and additional rater blocks. Try to use sub-bullets only for achievements that absolutely require them. There are several ways to condense words to save space, but the extent to which you can use these methods depends on your reviewing chain’s policies.

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    • [DOC File]Beginner's Guide to SEO

      MSN, Google & AskJeeves (although AOL gets nearly 10% of searches, their engine is powered by Google's results). If your site cannot be found by search engines or your content cannot be put into their databases, you miss out on the incredible opportunities available to websites provided via search - people who want what you have visiting your site.

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