Stray cat neutering

    • [DOCX File]Health Certificate

      Neutering is a humane way to reduce the stray cat population, preventing thousands of unwanted kittens being born each year. These may be cruelly abandoned or needlessly destroyed, many stray kittens are exposed to illnesses and diseases such as ‘cat flu’ as they are not vaccinated.

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    • [DOC File]Lee County Southwest Florida

      The following are common outdoor cat nuisance problems with quick solutions for resolution. However, with spaying and neutering of a feral cat colony these nuisance behaviors will be greatly reduced if not eliminated completely. Cats Digging in Gardens. It is a cat’s natural instinct to dig and deposit in soft or loose soil, moss, mulch or sand.

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      Cat Nip & Tuck 480-949-SPAY tame and feral cats Males $20- Females $30 N Phx Spay/Neuter Clinic 602-787-4240 Great for many things The Spay and Neuter Hotline 602-265-spay tame and feral cats – all dogs

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    • [DOC File]Trap-Neuter-Return: The Humane & Effective ... - Stray AFP EN

      In San Diego County, from 1988 through 1991, stray cat intake rates for municipal shelters were rising at a rate of approximately 10% a year, peaking in fiscal year 1991-1992 at a total of 19,077 cats, of whom 15,525 were euthanized. In 1992, the Feral Cat Coalition of San Diego was founded and began implementing TNR on a county-wide basis.

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    • [DOCX File]

      I support Stray Cat Alliance and their TNR programs and know that they have helped manage the city cat population and save many cats from being killed in LA shelters. I appreciate that the city works collaboratively with Stray Cat Alliance and other rescue organizations to save the lives of cats in our community. Sincerely, Jane Smith. Address

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    • [DOCX File]Greek Cat Welfare Society (UK)

      Greek Cat Welfare Society aims to control humanely the stray cat population through neutering their colonies and educating and encouraging local people to have their own animals neutered. We send an average 0f 20-30 vets each year to mainland Greece and the Greek islands. Stray cats are trapped by local groups, are given a general examination ...

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    • [DOC File]Low Cost Spay/Neuter Resources in the Greater Philadelphia ...

      Many rescue groups have volunteers who will help with TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) of stray and feral cats. You can also contact Alley Cat Allies ( On their website you will find a form to request if there is a Feral Friend in your area who will help with TNR.

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      But those groups aren’t alone. The Feral Cat Coalition of Portland, Oregon started with $1,000 in 1995. Since its inception, that group has spayed/neutered more than 47,000 cats. In America’s heartland, 13 groups have joined together to form a similar organization, the Chicagoland Stray Cat Coalition.

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    • Veterinary Acupuncture - ResearchGate

      Evaluating the benefits and risks of neutering dogs and cats. Introduction. Neutering consists of removing the source of the hormones that control reproduction and determine secondary sexual ...

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    • [DOC File]North Toronto Cat Rescue - Welcome to My ePortfolio

      Over the past 18 years, NCTR has saved the lives of thousands of cats and kittens, as well as spayed/neutered all that reside in the shelter. If you consider that each female cat can produce 16 kittens per year, the stray cat population in the area would rapidly become out of control and unmanageable, without the help of North Toronto Cat Rescue.

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