Sun altitude calculator

    • [DOC File]Name:_________________________

      Fill in the table below for altitude of the sun at noon for each month (suns angle above horizon, found in the top right hand corner of the animation), sun-rise and sunset times (bottom right hand box of animation), the length of day between sunrise and sunset, and If you need help calculating the length of day, use the length of day calculator ...

      sun altitude azimuth table

    • [DOC File]Fermi Questions - Science Olympiad

      The barometric pressure can be approximated by the equation P=A0*10-0.000058*A where A is the altitude, m, above sea level. At what altitude, m, will the pressure drop to ½ the sea level value? What is the air pressure, mm Hg, at 100 km altitude? Estimate the number of gallons of gasoline consumed by automobiles on an average day in the U.S.

      sun or moon altitude azimuth table

    • [DOC File]Natural Systems 1 Exam 1

      Earth-Sun Relationships—Be able to use a calculator in order to calculate sun angles (altitude and zenith angle). Have a general understanding of earth-sun relationships, seasons, and the earth’s heat budget. In Collins Run, an Ordovician outcrop can be seen in which a layer of fossiliferous limestone has been deposited on a layer mudstone.

      solar angle calculator by zip code

    • [DOC File]Finding North - Precision Sundials

      Looking at the horizon reference, I saw that the sun touched the mountains when the sun’s center was at an altitude of 1.15 degrees. Plugging 1.15 degrees into the “Altitude Calc.” sheet, I determined that the spring equinox sun set at an azimuth of 89.0 degrees, and the fall equinox sun at 88.4 degrees, for the mid-leap-year-cycle.

      solar altitude table

    • [DOC File]When A Ruler Is Too Short

      This is the Standard Time at which a sun dial will show 12:00 noon at this site. Example B: You plan to measure the Sun’s altitude at noon (12:00) Local Solar Time in May. Your gnomon’s longitude is 82°36’ west = -82.60° so your zone longitude is -90°. ΔLong = -90°-(-82.60°) = -7.40° (10b)

      sun elevation and azimuth calculator

    • [DOC File]Determining the Altitude of Iridium Flares

      We’ll choose to determine the length of side b. We can solve this using the tangent function. The tangent of 5 degrees (angle BCA) is equal to c, which we know is 42.5 miles, divided by b (tan 5˚ = c/b). So b is equal to c divided by the tangent of 5 degrees (b = 42.5 tan 5˚). Using a calculator, the tangent of 5 degrees is 0.0875.

      usno azimuth table

    • [DOC File]NASS Scientific Calculator Programs: - Walking Shadow

      At noon, the sun is due south at its maximum altitude. Clocks show an arbitrary average legal civil time based on time zones, daylight savings and an instrument correction, the equation of time. Unfortunately you will need to be able to convert clock time to solar time to show that the sundial is correct.

      solar panel azimuth calculator

    • [DOC File]Vital Signs EQUIPMENT DAY

      The clear wedge shaped cursor is used to read the altitude of the sun. Take a few minutes to get acquainted with: the dates -the curved lines (representing the position of the sun on the earth’s surface as seen from above); lines radiating from North represent sun time with 20 minute intervals; the tick marks at the outer edge represent the ...

      altitude of the sun today

    • [DOC File]Lunar Events - University of Northern Iowa

      Motion of the Sun. Motion of the Sun/Zenith view. Answers to Questions. Regardless of the date, there is no change in the location of sunrise as you change your latitude. Regardless of the date, the direction of the Sun’s highest altitude will always be in the South for the Northern Hemisphere and in the North for the Southern Hemisphere.

      sun altitude azimuth table

    • [DOC File]Planning Practice Note 27: Understanding the Residential ...

      Sun altitude (degrees) 45° Shadow length of a 1 metre high post (m) 1.00 Time. 3.00 pm Sun altitude (degrees) 36° Shadow length of a 1 metre high post (m) 1.38 As a simple guide, the table above gives an indication of shadow lengths at various times of the day based on the height of a 1 metre post and assuming flat ground.

      sun or moon altitude azimuth table

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