Teaching core values to teenagers

    • [PDF File]Module B: Lesson Plan 6: Self Awareness Topic: Values ...


      The following is a list of personal values that many people have identified as being important to them in their careers. To begin exploring your own personal work values, rate each value listed with the following scale and add other values you consider essential to your list.

      teaching core nursing values

    • [PDF File]Values Discussion Questions


      Values tend to change as we pass through different stages of life. For example, the things that a teenager values are usually very different than what a parent values. Think back to a different stage of your life. How were your values different? How are they the same?

      teaching core values to adults

    • [PDF File]Teaching Teens How to Make Good Decisions


      shape their futures. This is the core of our vision: Better Decisions-Better Lives. Since its founding, DEF has advanced its mission through a variety of programs. In addition to designing and teaching an innovative course for academically gifted teens — the focus of this article — we also have

      teaching core nursing values

    • [PDF File]Sample Teaching Activities to Support Core Competencies of ...


      organized around each of CASEL’s Five Core Competencies. For each core competency, we divide the sample activities into two types: (1) free-standing lesson/instruction activities. and (2) ongoing teaching practices that are designed to promote environmental conditions that optimize student social and emotional development.

      teaching core values to adults

    • [PDF File]I CARE Values Activity This is a very fun, engaging and ...


      values that best represent them as an individual. Instruct them to gather all the other cards face down in a pile and to end up with only those five "Core Values" face up in front of them. This may take a bit of time for some students and others will identify their values very quickly.

      teaching core nursing values

    • [PDF File]Choices and Values


      Teaching Background Variation Values Auction It is often advisable to keep the individual values of students private. However, in some contexts, teachers and students may be comfortable talking about student values as a group. One variation of prioritization is an ‘auction’. Have students prioritize their values as above, and then conduct

      teaching core values to adults

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