Texas school salaries public record

    • [DOCX File]College/School/Department: Communication Disorders


      The Department of Communication Disorders at Texas State University aspires to be the premiere institution across the nation for producing certified and licensed speech-language pathology graduates. Using University goals and initiatives as a guide, list and briefly describe your top five priorities for the 2012-2017 planning cycle and indicate ...

    • [DOC File]ritter.tea.state.tx.us


      Public Law 107-110, Section 9101(23)(B)(i) states that the term ‘highly qualified,’ when used with respect to an elementary school teacher who is new to the profession, means that the teacher— holds at least a bachelor’s degree; and

    • [DOC File]4 - Crowley Independent School District


      Upload, process and evaluate criminal history record information for contractors and NCPA background checks. Serve as backup for volunteer name based criminal background checks. Data Systems: Maintain accurate employee data systems with regards to salaries, position assignments and budget information.

    • [DOC File]Title II, Part A Non-Regulatory Guidance Improving Teacher ...


      ELIGIBLE PARTNERSHIP: This term includes a private or State institution of higher education and the division of the institution that prepares teachers and principals; a school of arts and sciences; and a high-need LEA; and may include another LEA, a public charter school, an elementary school or secondary school, an educational service agency ...

    • [DOC File]Rev 6/02


      The University of Texas, Texas A&M University and all public independent school districts do not participate in the program. You meet the age and service requirements for retirement in TRS or ORP from which you are eligible to receive an annuity as described in previous section.

    • [DOC File]CHAPTER 2


      The lender must document that the providers of non-traditional credit do, in fact, exist and verify the credit information. Documents confirming the existence of a non-traditional credit provider may include a public record from the state, county, or city records, or other means providing a similar level of objective confirmation.

    • [DOC File]Title I SIP announcement ltr 07-08


      Texas will apply for the second part of funding, which will total about $1.2 billion, this fall. The 81st Texas Legislature, 2009, passed House Bill 3646 which increased state funding for public schools by modifying the state’s Foundation School Program (FSP) formulas.

    • Memos Related to Changes to the CBM Manual for Community ...

      These are students who have, among other qualifications, lived in Texas three consecutive years prior to graduation from a Texas high school or a GED completion. International students who qualify under Section 4 of HB 1403 or CB policy as outlined in memos issued by Commissioner Brown who are allowed to pay resident rates should be coded ‘C ...

    • [DOC File]www2.census.gov


      The term “public school systems” includes two types of government entities with responsibility for providing education services: (1) school districts that are administratively and fiscally independent of any other government and are counted as separate governments; and (2) public school systems that lack sufficient autonomy to be counted as ...

    • [DOC File]Perkins Fact Sheets - Perkins (CA Dept of Education)


      The equipment inventory is considered to be a Class 1—Permanent Record and must be retained indefinitely. A copy of the inventory must be kept on file at the district office. ... Administrative or supervisory salaries (unless this is a portion of the 5 percent allowed for administering the funds) ... support of education programs for teachers ...



      SALARY: This is an important issue. And, should be discussed at some point during the interview. If you can, research the salaries of starting professors at that institution. Some salary scales are of public record. Have a ball park figure in mind. And, see if possibilities exist to start at different “steps” depending on experience.

    • Texas Constitution and Statutes - Home

      The statement is a public record. (c) If the treasurer of the holder determines that a claim is valid, the treasurer of the holder shall approve and sign the claim. Added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 1037, Sec. 38, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.

    • 1st QUARTER MEETING – 03-12-2013

      These public information requests are very time consuming while we continue working on the tax calendar and daily work. Janice Fox passed out her hand-out from the school board meeting that she and Lanny Counts attended. She included job descriptions and comparison salaries for the positions.

    • [DOCX File]School Business Plan Template


      School Business Plan Template. This document provides guidance to developers of potential public charter schools and those expanding or replicating existing schools, especially those that are drafting business plans to satisfy the requirements of Walton Family Foundation (WFF) startup and expansion grants.


      The corporation will bill the Nurse Practitioner’s fees for the duration of the contractual agreement. It will be the responsibility of the employee to properly code the patient superbill on the electronic medical record computer software. Training on the system will be provided to the employee.

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