That in a sentence example

    • [DOC File]Phrase bank - Sentence signposts signalling:

      For example, if you wanted to translate the sentence “If you either attend enough classes or go to a presentation you will get a good attendance grade,” then you would use parentheses to show that the antecedent is made up of two disjuncts enclosed in parentheses, as follows: (A V P) ( G

      when to use the in a sentence

    • [DOC File]Basic Sentence Patterns with examples

      Title: Phrase bank - Sentence signposts signalling: Author: Julia Last modified by: Nick Batty Created Date: 11/3/2013 4:25:00 PM Company: TOSHIBA Other titles

      2 word sentences examples


      Ask, “Does the sentence work if the words or phrases are switched in order?” Identifying and Correcting Faulty Parallelism. Faulty parallelism may be more obvious if the sentence is broken into sections, each part of the series linked to the main sentence. Example 1: Wrong

      or in a sentence

    • [DOCX File]Sample Objectives

      The Wold Sentence Copy Test is a timed test designed to evaluate the child's speed and accuracy when copying a sentence from the top of a page to the lines on the rest of the page. This is comparable to the child copying from a blackboard to a book; a task required every day in the classroom but without the extremes of eye movements.

      use a sentence with its

    • How to Use "That" and "Which" Correctly: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

      Basic Sentence Patterns. Subject + intransitive verb Elizabeth swims. Dolphins leap. Subject + transitive verb + direct object John hated lima beans. Books convey ideas. Subject: + linking verb + subject complement The sea is beautiful. You seem worried. Subject + transitive verb + indirect object + …

      sentences with it's in it

    • [DOCX File]Parallelism DLA

      His probation was revoked on March 10, 2000, and was ordered to serve the underlying sentence. Puckett sought a modification of sentence arguing he was entitled to the 2000 amendments to the post release statutes and he should be awarded 24-months post release, effective May 25, 2000. The district court denied the modification.

      for example punctuation

    • [DOC File]Sample Five Paragraph Essay: Fear Prompt

      Complete these sentences to express your real feelings. Try to do every one. Be sure to make a complete sentence. 1. The happiest time_____ 2.

      sentence examples for vocabulary words

    • [DOC File]Incomplete Sentences Blank – Adult Form

      Students will discuss with a partner how they used the GUESS strategy to solve equations using the sentence stem: The GUESS strategy helped me to … Math Students will demonstrate application of finding the area of triangles by using the formula A=½ bh …

      sentence with the word an


      3. Write a simple sentence which is a command: For example: Stop that! Come here now! 4. A compound sentence is one with two verb groups. Use a conjunction to join two simple sentences into one compound sentence. For example: The boy hurt himself. He was running on the concrete. The boy hurt himself because he was running on the concrete.

      when to use the in a sentence

    • [DOC File]A Sentence A Day

      A topic sentence. 3-4 EXPLAINED supporting details. A strong conclusion sentence. The fear I have had the longest in my life is my fear of syringes and blood. As far back as I can remember, getting a shot or getting blood taken has resulted in my passing out or, sometimes, injury to myself or other people.

      2 word sentences examples

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