The human circulatory system


      The human circulatory system has three components: the . heart, the . blood vessels, and the . blood. I. THE HEART. The function of the heart is to keep the blood moving constantly in the body. The heart is a large organ made of . cardiac muscle cells. that have a high . number of . mitochondria. Humans (plus other mammals and birds) have a

      the human circulatory system pdf

    • [DOC File]Comparing Human and Plant Organ Systems:

      This will lead students into their culminating assessment which requires them to do some comparative anatomy of the digestive and circulatory system in a variety of animals. Learning Goals and Related Objectives. Students will learn how the human body systems function in …

      parts of the circulatory system

    • [DOC File]Human Biology - Circulatory System (Estimated Time: 14-16 ...

      The human circulatory system consists of the heart, the blood . vessels, and the blood. _____20. Oxygen-rich blood is pumped by the right of the heart through . the lungs. _____21. Blood returning to the heart from systemic circulation is laden . with carbon dioxide. ...

      blood circulation in human body

    • [DOC File]The Human Circulatory System

      The human circulatory system has three components: the . heart, the . blood vessels, and the . blood. I. THE HEART. The function of the heart is to keep the blood moving constantly in the body. The heart is a large organ made of . cardiac muscle. cells. that have a high number of .

      the human circulatory system parts

    • [DOC File]Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Review

      Circulatory System. List the functions of the human circulatory system. Trace a drop of blood through the heart from right atrium to the aorta. Compare the blood on the right side of the heart with that on the left side. Describe the components of blood. (red blood cells, white b.c., platelets and plasma)

      human circulation

    • [DOC File]Circulatory and Respiratory System Test Review

      How many loops does the human circulatory system contain? a. one b. two c. three d. four ____ 58. Which of the following steps will NOT help prevent atherosclerosis? a. avoiding smoking b. exercising regularly c. eating foods that contain a lot of sodium d. avoiding foods that are high in saturated fats. Short Answer. Use the diagram to answer ...

      the human circulatory system heart

    • Human Circulatory System - Organs, Diagram and Its Functions

      circulatory system. interacts with almost every other body system, therefore it is important in maintaining . homeostasis. It transports gases, nutrients, wastes, electrolytes, and hormones throughout the body. The circulatory system is highly organized and consists of . blood, blood vessels, and the heart. Blood: The . blood. is a type of ...

      human body circulatory system diagram

    • Body Systems Project - Troup County School System

      Needs and Functions Human Organ System Plant Organ System Cell Organelle Support the body Skeletal system Stem system Transport nutrients Circulatory system Stem system (vascular) Reproduce Reproductive System Flower system (sexual) Remove wastes Excretory system Root and Leaf systems Use or make energy All systems All systems Provide a barrier ...

      functions of the circulatory system

    • [DOC File]Circulatory system

      Human Biology - Circulatory System (Chapter 23) The vocabulary and learning expectations are outlined below. Vocabulary. anterior vena cava, antibody, antigen, aorta, arterial duct atrioventricular valve, autonomic nervous system, atrioventricular (AV) node, blood, blood pressure, blood velocity, blood vessel, capillary-tissue fluid exchange ...

      the human circulatory system pdf


      The closed circulatory systems are more efficient than open ones because: The blood can be pumped around the body faster and therefore exchange of food and oxygen is faster. This allows the animal to be more active. It allows the flow of blood to different organs to be increased or decreased. Human Circulatory System. Double, closed circulatory ...

      parts of the circulatory system

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