Things to like about yourself

    • [PDF File]Self-Assessment, Reflection and Self-Care

      dreams. Celebrate all of the amazing things your body does for you --running, dancing, breathing, laughing, dreaming, etc. Keep a top-10 list of things you like about yourself -- things that aren’t related to how much you weigh or what you look like. Read your list often. Add to it as you become aware of more things to like about you.

      things i love about myself

    • [PDF File]Joyful Living: Build Yourself a Great Life! Blank Worksheets

      Knowing what you like and dislike is a good start, but understanding why you like or dislike something makes it much easier to use what you know. It’s helpful to say, “I don’t like working at the computer.” It’s even more helpful to say, “I don’t like working at a computer because staring at …

      things i like about me

    • 5 things you like about yourself - Tiny Buddha

      Self-Assessment, Reflection and Self-Care The months and weeks before death offer an opportunity to look back and understand what our life has been about. It can be a time of gaining wisdom about the meaning of life or spirituality, of discovering and understanding our strengths, of learning to accept love and caring from others. It can also be a time to make peace and heal difficult ...

      list of things about yourself

    • [PDF File]Self-Love worksheet - Dawn Barclay

      bigger than yourself or doing nice things for others can give you a mental health boost. If you can’t see the people you care about every day, ... like people doing good things for others or positive posts on social media. * Tip: Practicing gratitude on a regular basis can improve our sense of well-being and happiness! Journal about gratitude: every night, write down three good things about ...

      what do i like about myself

    • [PDF File]The Big Ideas

      Ask yourself: What are the things you want to change and why? You need to be sure that your aspira-tions are truly yours and not conveniently borrowed from else-where. Adopting someone else’s goals and succeeding in reaching them will not necessarily make you happy. Do not be tempted to compare the size of your goals with other people’s. This is one of those situations where bigger does ...

      unique things to say about yourself

    • [PDF File]CONFIDENCE ACTIVITIES - Polk County Public Schools

      How would you like to think about you today? What can you do to practice self-love today? Pay yourself three compliments: 1. 2. 3. What would you like to try, just for you? What needs to be let go? 1. 2, 3. Where do you put others before your own needs? How would you like it to be?

      what do you like about yourself

    • [PDF File]Self-care is an important part of wellness. Take time and ...

      2. What do I like about this person? 3. How has this person affected my life? 4. What seems to motivate this person? 5. What outstanding characteristics does he/she have? 6. Does this person have a sense of purpose? 7. Does he/she exhibit joy? 8. Would I desire to be more like this individual? In what ways? 9. What event or situation, involving ...

      things to know about yourself

    • [PDF File]Ten Steps To Positive Body Image

      What three things do I like about myself? 1 2 3 What are my strengths? 1 2 3 What activities can make me a better and stronger person? 1 2 3 E/M/H From Take Stock in Children‟s Toolkit, p. 20. Polk Mentoring Alliance 2008, Revised 8/08 7 My Personal Shield Draw a symbol in each block of the shield to correspond with the topics listed at the bottom of the page. 1 Something I do well 5 The ...

      what i like about myself

    • [PDF File]So What Does Success Look Like to You?

      side of things regardless of how tough your days, months and year is. You dread going to work tomorrow; your day will turn out a dread just as you thought it would be. You are a master of your thoughts, not a slave to it. You feel you have lost interest; remind yourself why you found interest in the first place. Almost always it will re-ignite you.

      things i love about myself

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