Things to think about when high

    • [DOC File]Livingston Public Schools / LPS Homepage

      Habit 3, PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST, can help. It’s all about learning to prioritize and manage your time so that your firsts things come first, not last. Putting first things first also deals with learning to overcome your fears and being strong during hard moments. Say: In Habit 2, you decided what your first things are.

      good things to think about

    • The Top 40 Fun Things To Do While High | - …

      THINGS TO THINK ABOUT FOR YOUR FUTURE. Planning for Adult Life. Name _____ Your thoughts about your future are very important. Think about and answer each of the following: What are your ideas about further schooling or training after high school? Write a brief comment next to those that pertain to you.

      weird things to think about

    • [DOC File]SPEAK - Ms. McKenzie's Site

      The list below includes a number of things people want or “value” in their job. Not all these values are met each day. However, choosing an occupation that allows most of your work values to be present is important. Directions: Think about what you want from an …

      things to look at while high


      How many ways can you think of to ___? Conclude what the result would be if ___. What generalizations can you make? If you could pull this all together in 3-4 sentences, what you would say? Marzano Thinking Skills Fact Sheet. LEVEL: Evaluating. What are the thinking skills involved in evaluating? assessing the reasonableness and quality of ideas

      funny things to think about

    • [DOC File]Habit 3, Lesson 1: Put First Things First

      Think about how Melinda (and perhaps many other students) think about high school. Why do you think the name Merryweather High might be an ironic name for a high school? On page 4, Melinda lists the groups (cliques) at Merryweather High school. Each group has its own special interests and characteristics that are different from the other groups.

      best high thoughts

    • [DOC File]Marzano Thinking Skills Fact Sheet

      If your parents think today’s fashions are weird. F. They should see the clothes people wore in the Middle Ages. S. Patterns of floral or geometric shapes popular. F. Liked clothes that were half one color and half another. F. Might have one green leg and one red leg. F. People often wore heavy belts decorated with metal and jewels. S

      things you never thought about


      Handles high workloads, competing demands, vague assignments, interruptions, and distractions with poise and ease. Remains steady or thrives under pressure, using it to fuel productivity and efficiency. Stays calm and maintains focus in turbulent, threatening, or emergency situations. Makes rational decisions and continues to perform effectively.

      thoughts when high

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