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    • [DOC File]MA 154 - Purdue University


      The two-line version of the TI-30 calculator is . not. allowed. Lessons 1-4 are to be completed on paper and brought to class. Lessons 5-40 are to be completed using the Math Department’s online homework system, SAGE. The problems in SAGE match up one-for-one with the problems listed below however, the numerical values within each problem are ...

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    • [DOC File]Sixth Grade Mathematics Syllabus


      TI-30 calculator (optional) EXTRA HELP. If any student feels he/she needs extra help to make up work from an absence, they are encouraged to see me and set up a time either before school, after school, or during tutorial. PARENTS AS PARTNERS. Family involvement is an essential element for a student’s success in mathematics.

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      Calculator TI 30 (labeled w/name in permanent marker) 3 Packs of Subject Dividers for Binder #2 Pencils 1 Pocket Folder (not plastic) w/Brads (Language Arts)

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    • [DOC File]To:


      Oct 25, 2013 · TI-30XS Multiview calculator will be the only calculator permitted for the paper-based TASC test. CTB McGraw-Hill will be providing these calculators to each test site; students will not be permitted to bring calculators day of test. For computer-based testing, an online calculator will be modeled after the TI-30XS.

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    • [DOCX File]abspd.appstate.edu


      TI-30XS Scavenger Hunt. Use the TI-30XS to find answers for the questions listed here. For the skills you cannot complete, find someone who can. Introduce yourself, have them demonstrate the skill to you and describe how to do the skill in the box. 1. Describe how to clear the …

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