Top 10 dangerous animals

    • [DOC File]Internet trade threatens exotic animals

      Aug 17, 2005 · Trading in animals is no different from farming and killing animals. There is little difference between using leather from cows and snake skin. It’s OK to use exotic animals in traditional Chinese medicine. Businessmen want big profits, so many animals will survival. People caught selling endangered species should get 30 years in prison.

      top most dangerous animals

    • [DOCX File]Town of Valdese

      Sec. 8-2041. - Dangerous animals. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to protect people, especially the elderly and the young, from the injury caused by dangerous animals. This section is intended primarily to apply to dogs that bite or menace people but under appropriate circumstances can apply to an aggressive cat or any other animal ...

      what is the most dangerous animal

    • [DOCX File]FOR

      hearing-ear-dog, or. helper

      dangerous animal in the world

    • [DOC File]Internet trade threatens exotic animals

      Aug 17, 2005 · You have plans for cloning exotic animals for commercial purposes. THINK OF MORE REASONS WHY EXOTIC ANIMAL FARMING IS GOOD. Role B – CONSUMER. You think exotic animal farming is the best solution to animal conservation. You feel sorry for the millions of animals who die while being illegally smuggled across borders.

      25 most dangerous animals

    • [DOCX File]Ordinance - animal control/dangerous dog (01817558).DOCX

      (12)Potentially dangerous or vicious dogs, which are under investigation by the dog control officer according to this chapter and awaiting classification, running at large, or otherwise in violation of provisions herein. (13)Animals from an animal establishment not …

      top 25 dangerous animals

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