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      On the Driver tab, click Driver File Details and note any files that are not in the Windows\System folder. In My Own Backup, start a new set (File, New Set). Add the files noted to the set by selecting them from the drives in the right-hand pane and click Add file.

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      We informed the Meeting that the job originally titled “Bulletin Editor” has now morphed into four separate parts: (1) writer and editor of the Bulletin three times a year; (2) compiler and editor of the Annual Records every summer; (3) maintainer and updater of the LEYM web site; and (4) updater of the LEYM database and compiler of the ...

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      One important inference mechanism is called ‘updater,’ which searches for inconsistencies and alters beliefs as circumstances change or novel beliefs are acquired. Most importantly for my purposes, updater ‘screens out’ beliefs that are inconsistent with those …

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      The suggestion that CPD raises confidence in the public about us is totally misconceived – no one in the public has a clue that for 12 hours a year we sit and watch videos or sit through expensive courses and as for the laughable suggestion that CPD promotes an ethos of professional collegiality one really does have to wonder who comes out ...

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