Treasury account fund symbol tafs

    • Federal Spending Transparency

      The term "Treasury Account Symbol" is a generic term used to describe any one of the account identification codes assigned by the Department of the Treasury. The term "Treasury Appropriation/Fund Symbol" (TAFS) is used to describe a particular type of TAS-one with budget authority. All financial transactions of the Federal Government are ...

      treasury account symbol explained

    • [DOC File]Offsetting Receipts are collections that are credited to ...

      - Department Regular is the US Treasury designated code representing the government agency accountable for one or more fund accounts established and maintained by the Treasury. The Department Regular element is an integral part of the Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS). Examples: 097 DoD, Office of the Secretary of Defense

      treasury account symbol lookup

    • [DOC File]Received a $1,000 appropriation (skip to allotment stage)

      Treasury Symbol. The alphanumeric symbol or code assigned by Treasury to an appropriation or fund, at the highest level of the appropriation’s or fund’s accounting hierarchy. Treasury’s complete name for this symbol or code is, “Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol”, abbreviated TAFS. WorkPlan.

      treasury account symbol format


      At the end of that five-year period for that Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS): all budgetary resources, both obligated and unobligated, is canceled; fund balance is returned to Treasury; and. any receivables and payables are canceled for that TAFS.

      treasury account symbol definition

    • [DOC File]1 - NASA

      Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) ... This scenario addresses capital transfers from a no-year non-credit revolving fund TAFS to the General Fund Receipt Account in the 1610 and 2810 TAFS series. Specific transactions for capital transfers by liquidating accounts are presented in section II of this scenario. YEAR 1

      treasury account symbol codes

    • [DOCX File]Acronym

      The limitation or subhead is referred to as the Sub-Allocation Holder Identifier (SAHI) within the SFIS data structure. The SFIS Key is B12. All valid Treasury Account Fund Symbol (TAFS) and SAHI combinations are available within the SFIS Values Library which is the authoritative source for limits.

      treasury symbol table

    • [DOC File]

      Treasury Account Fund Symbol, a further breakdown of a TAS by budgetary authority (e.g., Beginning and Ending Period of Availability); available TAFS are listed in the SMAF TAS Treasury Account Symbol assigned by Treasury, which represents individual appropriations, receipts, and other fund accounts; components include AID, Availability Type ...

      treasury appropriation fund symbol tafs

    • [DOC File]1

      This scenario captures permanent reductions of general fund appropriations. General fund appropriations are derived from the general fund of the Treasury as specified in an Appropriations Act and are posted to a Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) by a Treasury warrant. Similarly, a general fund appropriation is reduced by a Treasury warrant.

      treasury appropriation fund symbol

    • [DOC File]

      The appropriation warrant provides the Treasury Account Fund Symbols (TAFS) that must be used to identify all transactions against the account. A TAFS is issued for each appropriation title and identifies the agency responsible for the account, the period of availability, and the specific fund classification of the appropriation. Other Fund ...

      treasury account symbol explained

    • [DOC File]BPD Trust Fund Account - Fiscal Service

      The initial digit of the main account is used to classify the fund type, for example, 8XXX identifies a trust fund and 0XXX identifies a general fund, followed by the account number (XXX). Sub-Account Symbol – Is used to specify subsidiary level accounts associated to the main account of the TAFS. The sub-account might indicate a series of ...

      treasury account symbol lookup

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