Treasury account symbol codes


      The US Treasury symbol includes the department code, period of availability/fiscal year (FY), and treasury account number (basic symbol) prescribed by the US Treasury Department. The US Treasury account number (basic symbol) is a four digit code indicating the type of funds or major purpose of the appropriation. Department Code

      us army treasury account symbol

    • [DOCX File]Army Funds Management Data Reference Guide

      1.4+ 6M10 Initiative If "Initiative" is selected then "Treasury Account Symbol" must have a valid value. 1.4+ OT6M02 Agency Identifier/Main Account Code "Agency Identifier" and "Main Account Code" are required when "Action Obligation" is either greater than zero or less than zero. 1.4+ OT6M04 Format "Agency Identifier", "Main Account Code" and ...

      government treasury account symbols

    • The U.S. Treasury symbol includes the department code ...

      GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT. SECTION I GENERAL. TREASURY ACCOUNT Symbol Title 97 @ 0350 National Guard and Reserve Equipment, Defense For procurement of aircraft, missiles, tracked combat vehicles, ammunition, other weapons, and other procurements for …

      treasury account symbol tas

    • [DOCX File]Fiscal Code - SSI Learning Resource Center

      Treasury Account Fund Symbol, a further breakdown of a TAS by budgetary authority (e.g., Beginning and Ending Period of Availability); available TAFS are listed in the SMAF TAS Treasury Account Symbol assigned by Treasury, which represents individual appropriations, receipts, and other fund accounts; components include AID, Availability Type ...

      us treasury appropriation codes


      The basic symbol (Treasury Account Number) is a four-digit code indicating the type of funds. The Treasury has assigned all basic symbols into two broad categories: Receipts and Expenditures. The specific functional basic symbols listed below are categorized as …

      treasury code list

    • [DOC File]USDA APHIS | Home Landing Page

      NIH Codes for use in ARRA Contractor Reporting . Institute/Center Funding Agency Code/Awarding Agency Code Govt. Contracting Office Code Program Source/Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) Fogarty International Center (FIC) 7529 308 75 0818 National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) 7529 305 75 0910 National Cancer Institute ...

      us treasury account codes

    • [DOC File]NIH Codes for use in ARRA Contractor Reporting

      The amount of financing sources transferred in to a Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) from collections previously recorded on the Statement of Custodial Activity. Unless specifically identified by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service in conjunction with OMB, this transfer creates a budgetary resource in …

      treasury account symbol elements

    • [DOCX File]1 - Bureau of the Fiscal Service

      Appropriation or Fund /Symbol. Enter the department index number assigned by the Treasury Department as a prefix to that department’s appropriation symbols, fiscal year or other appropriate indicator (e.g., “X” if no year, etc.), treasury account symbol of the appropriation, other fund, or receipt account for which the transaction amounts ...

      treasury account symbol lookup

    • [DOCX File]Chapter 5 - Interfund Billing System Procedures

      Jun 03, 2018 · DoD appropriations may deviate from the structures show in these tables depending on the fund source. Table 10 provides keys to the abbreviations used in the figures. The examples are grouped by appropriation type. The appropriations and the basic symbols (main account codes) are shown for each appropriation type.

      us army treasury account symbol

    • [DOCX File]Acronym

      The term "Treasury Account Symbol" is a generic term used to describe any one of the account identification codes assigned by the Department of the Treasury. The term "Treasury Appropriation/Fund Symbol" (TAFS) is used to describe a particular type of TAS-one with budget authority. All financial transactions of the Federal Government are ...

      government treasury account symbols

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