Types of immune disorders

    • [DOC File]Webquest- The Immune System


      Auto-immune disorders (such as pemphigus or lupus) in which the immune system attacks the skin. Infectious Disorders. ... skin; common causes are burns, trauma, and skin infections; more complicated diseases, such as drug reactions, certain types of cancers, auto-immune diseases of the skin, and viruses also may cause erosions or ulcers that ...

      80 types of autoimmune disorders

    • [DOC File]The Immune System Part 2


      Disorders of the immune system can be broken down into four main categories: immunodeficiency disorders (primary or acquired) autoimmune disorders (in which the body's own immune system attacks its own tissue as foreign matter) allergic disorders (in which the immune system overreacts in response to an antigen)

      what is an immune disorder

    • [DOCX File]What the Immune System Does - highschoolscienceblog


      Investigate some of the disorders of the immune system. Name three major immune system disorders and describe them and how they affect your body's ability to fight off infection. Answer the following questions and share them with your group:

      immune disorder vs autoimmune disorder



      Chapter 23. Immune Disorders and AIDS. Chapter Summary and Essay Questions. Chapter 23 discusses immune system malfunctions. The four types of hypersensitivity responses, exaggerated or inappropriate immune responses, are described, and the major disorders caused by …

      complete list of autoimmune diseases

    • [DOC File]Chapter 23


      The immune system can later recognize the normal virus and fight it off . Ex: measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), smallpox, polio, flu strains (swine flu) Treatment. Viral infections are fought by the immune system or with _____. Some viruses are too strong and too fast for the immune …

      list of immune diseases



      A. State why immune disorders in children often have non-specific symptoms. B. Name three pediatric differences concerning acquired immunity. C. Name the four modes of transmission of HIV to the child. D. Describe the CD4 T cell values used to monitor the progression of HIV disease.

      list of immune disorders

    • [DOC File]Homepage | Wiley


      Since AHCC strengthens immune system function, it could be recommended for any type of cancer. Data from the treatment of over 100,000 cancer patients with various types of cancer has shown that 60 percent of patients have benefitted to some degree and many have found it …

      list of immune system diseases

    • Autoimmune disorders: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

      Genetic Defects of Immune System. A. B-lymph defects ( Agammaglobulinemia. 1. Due to failure of B lymph to differentiate into plasma cells (Ab. producing cells) 2. The absence of immune receptors (IgD) on B lymphocytes. B. T-lymph defects ( DiGeorge syndrome . 1. Failure to develop functional thymus gland. 2. Do not cellular immunity . 3.

      types of immune system disorders

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