Ubuntu commands cheat sheet pdf

    • [PDF File]Bash Cheat Sheet - Ubuntu-MD


      result =`expr $1 + 2` result2 =`expr $2 + $1 / 2` result =`expr $2 \* 5` #note the \ on the * symbol With bash, an expression is normally enclosed using [ ] and can …

    • [PDF File]Linux Bash Shell Cheat Sheet - University of Alabama


      Cheat Sheet (works with about every distribution, except for apt-get which is Ubuntu/Debian exclusive) Legend: Everything in “” is to be replaced, ex: --> iLovePeanuts.txt Don't include the '=' in your commands '..' means that more than one file can be affected with only one command ex: rm file.txt file2.txt movie.mov .. ..

    • [PDF File]Hadoop HDFS Commands Cheatsheet - LinOxide


      Changes owner of the file. 1st ubuntu in the command is owner and 2nd one is group. hdfs dfs -chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /hadoop Changes owner of the files recursively. hdfs dfs -chgrp ubuntu /hadoop Changes group association of the file. hdfs dfs -chgrp -R ubuntu /hadoop Changes group association of the files recursively. Filesystem

    • [PDF File]E-'-:E j


      Nmap Cheat Sheet Nmap Cheat Sheet 2 Wireshark Display Filters Common Ports List Google Cheat Sheet ... LINUX NETWORK COMMANDS watch ss -tp netstat -ant netstat -tulpn lsof -i smb:// ip /share share user x.x.x.x c$ smbclient -0 user\\\\ ip \\ share ifconfig eth# ip I cidr ... Ubuntu sources list Narneserver configuration Bash history (also /root

    • [PDF File]Ubuntu Reference - Cheat Sheet


      Ubuntu Reference Privileges sudo command – run command as root sudo -s – open a root shell sudo -s -u user – open a shell as user sudo -k – forget sudo passwords gksudo command – visual sudo dialog (GNOME) kdesudo command – visual sudo dialog (KDE) sudo visudo – edit /etc/sudoers gksudo nautilus – root file manager (GNOME) kdesudo konqueror – root file manager (KDE)

    • [PDF File]Ubuntu Server CLI pro tips


      Display background commands jobs Bring command to the foreground fg Kubernetes and containers Install MicroK8s and list available add-ons sudo snap install microk8s --classic microk8s.status --wait-ready Enable a MicroK8s add-on ... Ubuntu Server CLI pro tips 2020. Created Date:

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