Ufo human abduction cases recently

    • [DOC File]Take Me Away: The Appeal of Alien Abduction


      In many cases, the singularity and distinction of the abduction helps victims justify real-life feelings of inadequacy. After prolonged sentiments to the effect of “I knew I felt different, but not why”, “[the victims] simply feel better because of what they believe” and may use the alien contact to justify everything from estrangement ...

      most recent alien abductions



      She watched the UFO for about 5 minutes when a hatch opened and a figure came out. It looked like a human but shorter and had a strange looking face but still human-like. The witness then stood up and raised her right hand to greet him and smiled. The alien noticed her and got a real worried look and yelled something back into the UFO.

      alien abduction stories with proof

    • [DOC File]UFO’S AND THE BIBLE - Angelfire


      Dr. Karla Turner who worked with over 400 abduction cases and wrote the book “Into the fringe” “If abduction accounts can be believed and there is confirmation of many of these facts with other researchers, the abduction phenomena includes some of the following details”. *Aliens can alter our perceptions of our surroundings.

      ufo abductees

    • [DOCX File]What's Up with UFOs?


      The Rockefeller UFO Disclosure Initiative to the Clinton White House, 1995 was an early attempt to consolidate UFO-related evidence and present it in a legitimate setting. Major legal trials are decided based on weaker testimony than was provided in the May 9, 2001 National Press Club briefing on UFOs.

      recent alien abduction 2020

    • [DOC File]Chapter P


      These were collected by the author in the effect of his prolonged research on his own cases of UFO abductees, as well as during his studies of cases described in existing literature. Because the author has the opinion that for the good of Earth's science it is about time that restraints and ignorance surrounding the problem of UFO abductees to ...

      latest ufo abduction cases

    • [DOC File]Vallee_10.doc - StealthSkater


      UFO abduction cases may exemplify this in the sense that the “absurd” activities (or scenes) concurrent with abduction events could merely be the iconical defense mechanism deployed by the UAP to protect itself from the subject much like the way Spilomyia hamifera protects itself from birds by mimicry.

      recent alien abduction cases

    • [DOCX File]Fathis


      Prominent UFO ‘abduction’ researchers such as Dr David Jacobs, Budd Hopkins and the late Dr Karla Turner have provided detailed case studies of the abusive aspects of UFO ‘abductions’. ... Recently a former U.S. Air Force serviceman published his memoirs where he disclosed extensive interactions with a variety of ‘tall Grays’ which ...

      most recent alien abduction cases

    • [DOC File]Vallee_04.doc - StealthSkater


      The more UFO investigators try to appear "professional", the more they ignore that human aspect and by extension their own ethical obligations. I want to convince my friends in UFO research that whenever we have a choice between obtaining interesting UFO data and taking chances with the life of a human being, we should forget the UFO data.

      ufo abductions 2020

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